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Water storage
Cold water supply in Building
Water distribution in building
Types of cold water distribution
Friction in water supply and distribution system
Water pumping and Lifts

Hot water
Hot water supply
Hot water Distribution
Return System
The Pump Circuit System
Types of heating water system
Working load of hot water system

Water is combination of two chemical

elements called Hydrogen and Oxygen. It
appears in its natural state as liquid, solid or
gas. It is 839 times heavier than air.

The three sources of water

1. Rain
2. Natural surface water from streams and rivers.
3. Underground water

Proper storage of water is essential for various uses like

bathing, cleaning, drinking, cooking etc. Water tanks are
used to ensure safe and clean water for various purposes.
So it becomes necessary to construct the tank in a way
that maintains the purity and hygiene of water.
In any building the provision for storage of is required to
meet following requirements.
To maintain regular supply at the time of repairs of main
water line etc.
To reduce maximum rate of demand on main water line.
To maintain regular supply at the time when supply is
To store water for requirement of fire fighting.


The purpose of hot water tank is to serve the

domestic hot water system. The tank should
be strong enough to resist the high pressure
of boiling water stored in it.
Two types of Hot water tank
1.Range Boiler
2.Storage boiler

The Range Boiler is

generally made of
copper or stainless
steel sheet. It is built
into cylindrical shape
with concave ends,
welded or riveted to
assure strength and

The Storage Tank is

made of heavy duty
stainless steel sheet of
Diameter varying from
60 to 130 centimeters
and not more than 5
meters long. It is
installed in either
vertical or horizontal

The size of how water tank depends on the

following considerations:
1. The kind of building served.
2. The expected number of occupants or users.
3. The heating capacity of the supply device.
The water heater must be of sufficient capacity to
replace the discharged water in a reasonable
time interval. If a tank installed is designed to
serve 50 gallons of water in any one hour of the
day, the heater must be able to replace the same
in one hour.

The pressure tank stores water

from a pressure system.

Conventional pressure tanks

common in the Philippines are
made from gauge 15 or 16
galvanized iron or stainless steel.
They require constant air cushion
for proper operation of the
pressurized system. Diaphragm or
membrane type pressure tanks
differ from conventional pressure
tanks in that they utilize
membranes to physically separate
water from air inside the tank.
Pressure is stored in the water
tank due to the air volume
"pushing" at the water volume.

Commonly overhead
water tanks are
use in high rise
buildings, or
mostly they build
its on foundation
to allow the
gravity pull the
water down on the

Planning the water distribution in building

for a satisfactory chemical and
bacteriological quality includes:
1. The system must provide adequate supply
of water with adequate pressure up to the
extremities of the system.

2. The safety and quality of the water should not be

impaired by defects in the system.
3. There should be no unprotected open reservoir.
4. The water system should be tight against leakage.
5. The water system design , shall afford effective
circulation of water with minimum number of dead
end mains.
6. The system shall be guarded against
contamination in any parts of it resulting from
repair works replacement or extension of mains.

7. When new mains are installed. Or old mains

repaired, they should be filled with strong
chlorine solution of 40 to 60 mg. per liter for
at least 24 hours, and then flushed with
water supplied normally from the main.
8. As much as possible, water main should be
laid above the elevation of concrete sanitary
sewers, or crossover points, and at least 3
meters horizontally from such sanitary sewer
when they are parallel.

Direct Pressure Distribution

This type
water distribution,

obtain its supply

of water through a large intake pipe, installed in
the lake basin extended down the water.

It is when the water drawn from a drilled

distribution is done by indirect pressure.

Water is a prime necessity in all types of

households. It is conveyed from the main to
the household or buildings by means of pipes
classified as:

1.House service

House Service refers to the pipe

connection from the public water main or
any source of water supply to the building

Riser refers to the vertical supply pipe

which extend upward from one floor to the

Branches are horizontal pipes that serve

the faucets or fixtures.

Cold Water Distribution in Building is classified

into three types.
1. By normal water pressure from the public
2. By overhead feed system
3. By air pressure distribution system.
The normal water pressure from the public water
main is normally inadequate to serve buildings.

The overhead Feed system supplies water to

the plumbing fixtures by means of gravity.
The water is pumped to a large tank on top
of the building and distributed the water to
the different fixtures. This type of water
distribution is one of the oldest type.

Because of the water stored inside the tank,

water supply distribution is not affected by
the peak load hour even if the pressure at
the water main becomes considerably low.

Power interruptions will not in any manner

affects the water supply inside the building.

In case the pumping unit breaks down, the

time requirred to replace parts will not
affected the regular supply of water.

The water inside the tank is exposed to the

natural elements of weather, subject to

The water distribution unit has many working

parts that require higher maintenance cost.

The pumping unit and the entire installation

throughout the building occupies valuable

It requires stronger foundation and other

structure to sustain the heavy load of the tank
and its water content.

The air pressured water distribution system

is a new concept in water distribution where
compressed air is used as the delivery agent.
This type of water distribution is fast
superseding the other types due to the many
advantages it offers such as:

It has a compact pumping unit that requires

a limited space.

The water chamber being air-tight makes the

system a sanitary one.

The oxygen in the compressed air passing

through the water line, serves as purifying
agent, making the water more palatable.

It offers economic advantages by installing a

smaller pipe diameter.

It has few working parts and therefore, less

initial construction and maintenance cost.
Air pressurized water distribution systems is
well accepted for small, medium and large
Air pressured water distribution system
serves zones of about 10 storeys or floor
intervals in buildings of extreme height.

The only disadvantages of the air pressurized

water distribution system is the interruption
of water supply. In case of power failure,
water supply is greatly affected by the loss
of air pressure inside the tank. But with the
provision of a stand-by generator, power
problem is overcome.

The Direct Up-feed pumping system is an

innovation of the air pressurized water
distribution. This type of water distribution
is used on tall building that could not be
served adequately by the street main.

Eliminate the construction of large house

water tank.

Avoid cost of heavy structures to carry the

house tank.

Eliminate periodic cost.

Friction when alluded to in the plumbing

system refers to the resistance produced by
the flowing water with the fittings and
interior surface of the pipe.

Public water distribution system usually has an average

water pressure of 50 psi. that is only adequate to serve
buildings less than 5 storey high.

1.Piston pump
-The Piston pump is used on
small water distribution system for
elevating water in wells or other

Three Types of piston pump

1.Single Action pump
2.Double Action pump
3.Double or Twin piston pump


Centrifugal pump
- The Centrifugal pump is
associated with
tall building water distribution

Domestic hot water is provided by means of

water heater appliances, or through district
heating. The hot water from these units is
then piped to the various fixtures and
appliances that require hot water, such as
lavatories, sinks, bathtubs, showers, washing
machines, and dishwashers.


When water is heated, its molecular particles

expanded and move in a direction opposite
with each other.


When the water reaches its boiling point under

atmospheric pressure, its character changes.


The movement of hot water in a distribution

system is the result of expansion and
contraction of the water molecules.


The Up-Feed and Gravity Return



The overhead Feed and Gravity

Return System

The up-feed gravity return system is commonly

used in small residential houses and other
industrial installation with the following service

It provides constant circulation of hot water.

Hot water is quickly drawn from the fixtures at any time
Provide economical circulating return of unused hot water.
Eliminate waste of water.

The Overhead Feed and Gravity Return System is an efficient type of Hot water
Distribution generally used in building of extreme heights.
The operating principles are as follows:

That, water distribution is dependent on the expansion of hot water and gravity


That, water will circulate, even if there may be a defect in the mechanical

The Pump Circuit System is a mechanical device

used to ciculate how water to the plumbing
fixtures. It is recommended for large building
where difficulty of providing natural circulation
of hot water is encountered.
Advantages of using the circulating pump against the
overhead Feed or Up-Feed System.
1.Increased efficiency of the systems.
2.Economical because the heated water is returned to.
3.Faster circulation giving the occupants a better supply of
hot water.

The working load of hot water supply system in

building is somewhat difficult to estimate, but
experienced prove that:
1. For

schools, offices or industrial type of

buildings, the average rated maximum
consumption of hot water per person is about
2. For apartment and residences, the average
working load is about 35%.
3. For hotels, the working load is 50% of the rated
consumption per person.

1.The Hot Water Space Heating System where

water is confined within a system at low
2. The Hot water supply system not in a
closed system which operate on much higher



___Serino, Jara mi___

Group II



Paul Angelo___

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