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•Associated syndromes
•Harmful effects
•Clinical Hint – Extracting Natal & Neonatal Teeth

Natal teeth

These are teeth

which are present
at birth

These are teeth

which erupt within
30 days of birth
Etiology –
Superficial position of tooth germ increased rate of
eruption due to –
(i) Febrile incidence
(ii) Hormonal stimulation
(iii) Heredity
Eruption could be depends on osteoclasitc activity with
area of the tooth germ.
♦ Incidence –
♦ Incidence of Natal & Neonatal teeth has
been estimated to be 1:1000 & 1:30,000.
It is seen that 85% of natal or neonatal
Teeth are mandibular incisor.
♦ (1) 11% Maxillary incisor
♦ (2) 3% Mandibular cuspids
♦ (3) 1% Maxillary cuspids/molar
Syndromes associated with presence of
natl & neonatal teeth
These teeth are reportedly associated with syndromes
like –
(i) Chondroectodermal dysplasia
(ii) Hallermann – Streiff syndrome
(iii) Ellis Van Crevald syndrome
(iv) Riga - Fede syndrome
♦ Radiographs– A radiograph should be made
to determine the amount of Root development
and the relationship of prematurely erupted
teeth to its adjacent teeth. One of the parents
can hold the X-ray film on the infants mouth
during the exposure.
♦ Most prematurely erupted teeth are hyper
mobile because of the limited root
Harmful Effects –
1- Laceration of the lingual surface of tongue.
2- Retained Natal/Neonatal teeth may cause
difficulties for a mother who wishes to breast-feed her
infant. If breast-feeding is too painful for the mother
initially the use of breast pump and storing the milk
are recommended.

1- The most important point to consider is whether the
nursing mother can adequately establish breast
feeding. If there is traumatization of the nipple or if the
ventral surface of the infant’s tongue is traumatized,
then the tooth should be removed.
2- If the tooth is not too mobile then it should be
retained as it can become firm with time as the root
continues to develop.
3. If tooth is excessively mobile, because of the
theoretical risk of aspiration or ingestion it should
be electively removed.
4. If tooth removal is indicated, care should be taken
to extract the entire tooth as the crown only may be
removed leaving behind the pulpal tissue ; if this
happens, dentin and root will form ; the root will
then require removal at a later date.
5. The permanent teeth should be unaffected by
extraction of primary tooth.
Clinical Hint–

Extracting Natal & Neonatal Teeth

1- When removing these teeth always protect the
airways by placing a gauze on the back of the mouth ;
they are easily dislodged or dropped. A pair of Spencer
wells forceps or similar will provide a firm grip on the
tooth to be removed.
2. Check the medical history for significant jaundice
which may predispose to post operative bleeding.

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