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Ciri sistem IMUN:
Spesifik, Memori, Kenal-diri.
SPESIFIK: seseorang yang dibuat kebal
terhadap Virus Hepatitis A, tidak kebal
terhadap infeksi Virus Hepatitis B
MEMORI: seseorang yang kebal terhadap
Virus Hepatitis A akan dengan cepat
melawan bila terinfeksi virus tersebut
KENAL-DIRI: segala sesuatu yang
dikenal sejak janin adalah milik sendiri
Important Concepts
Self vs non-self

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)

genes that code the antigens for tissue and blood
compatibility in mammals
Human leucocyte antigens (HLA)
Proteins/antigens expressed on cell surfaces of Self in
Important role in antigen presentation
Class I: A, B, C; Class II: D, DR
Respon imun terhadap atigen
Penyakit autoimun ialah kerusakan
jaringan akibat PROSES IMUNOLOGIK
Bentuk penyakit: spesifik organ,
thyroid; dan non-spesifik organ, SLE
Umur 15-65 th, F:M 8:1 pada SLE,
M> ankylosing spondylitis
AUTOIMUNITAS, etiologi . .
Breakdown of TOLERANCE: thymic, gagal
seleksi negatif tdk memproduksi peptida di
permukaan sel T; peripheral, self Ag
invisible, mimicry
Faktor genetik, terkait dengan MHC
Faktor lingkungan, infeksi, obat, UV
Mechanisms of development (1)
1. Brekdown of self tolerance
2. Molecular mimicry and T cell bypass
cross reacting antigen of microbial antigen
autoantibody response;
e.g. heart autoantibody in post group A streptococcal
rheumatic fever;
3. Defective regulation mediated via helper T cells
microbial infection Th1 (pro inflammatory cytokines)
and Th2 (anti inflammatory cytokines and antibody formation),
predominance of Th1 or Th2 due certain situation (e.g. pregnancy)
autoimmunity (RA and SLE);
4. Polyclonal activation via microbial antigens
some microbes polyclonal activators e.g. E. coli LPS, EBV;
I.M. (infectious mononucleosis) anti DNA antibody;
Mechanisms of development (2)
5. Modification of cell surfaces by microbes and drugs
viruses or drugs attached to surface in hapten like
manner alter specificity;
e.g. thrombocytopenia and anemia in viral infection or
drug induced;
6. Availability of normally sequestered self antigen
anatomically separated (sequestered) antigens
(lens, CNS, thyroid, testes) trauma or infection
released or presented autoimmunity;
7. Dysregulation of the idiotype network
immune response to hormone anti hormone
anti-idiotype antibody interact with the receptor
autoimmune disease;
e.g. Antibodies to insulin and acetylcholine receptor
(Adapted from Lydyard PM et al Instant Notes in Immunology 2000)
Spectrum / Classification of
Autoimmune DIsease
1. Organ specific:
= involving certain organ with auto-
antibody specific to that organ (organ
specific autoantibody);
2. Non-organ specific:
= involving various organs with auto-
antibodies specific to various organs
(non-organ specific autoantibodies);
3. Combination / overlap between ad 1) and ad 2):
= involving more than one type with both
types of autoantibodies
(1). Organ specific auto-immune diseases

Disease Autoantigens targeted

Organ specific:
1. Myasthenia gravis 1. Acethylcholine receptor
2. Graves disease 2. Thyroid stimulating hormone rec.
3. Hashimotos thyroiditis 3. Thyroid peroxidase thyroglobulin
4. Type I diabetes 4. Islet cell cytopl. Insulin, GAD
5. Pernicious anemia 5. HK ATPase (GPP), intrinsic factor
6. Addisons disease
6. 17 hydroxylase
7. Pemphigus vulgaris
7. 130 kDa cadherin adhesion mol.
8. Bulbous pemphigoid
8. 160 kDa & 230 kDa cell adhesion
9. Vitiligo molecules
10. Autoimmune hepatitis 9. Melanocyte cytoplasmic antigen
10. Asialoglycoprotein rec,
11. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia Cytochrome P450206
11. Red blood cell surface antigen
(Adapted from Lydyard PM et al. Instant Notes in Immunology 2000)
(Adapted from Lydyard PM et al. Instant Notes in Immunology 2000)
(2). Non-organ specific autoimmune diseases

Disease Main autoantigens targeted

Non-organ specific
1. Rheumatoid arthritis 1. IgG
2. Systemic lupus 2. ds DNA, Sm, SS-A (Ro: a
erythematosus 60 kDa ribonucleo-
protein), SS-B (La: a 47 kDa
ribo-nucleoprotein), histones
3. Sjogrens syndrome 3. SS-A, SS-B
4. Systemic sclerosis 4. DNA topoisomerase I,
5. Mixed connective tissue 5. 70 kDa small nuclear ribo-
disease nucleoprotein
6. Polymyositis 6. tRNA synthetase
(3). Overlap between organ- and non-organ
specific autoimmune diseases
Disease Main autoantigens targeted
Overlap of organ- non-
organ specific
1. Primary biliary cirrhosis 1. Mitochondrial pyruvate
2. Systemic lupus 2. Non-collagenous domain
erythematosus of type IV collagen in renal
and lung basement
(4). Autoimmune diseases might occur in more than one type
e.g. thyroiditis autoimmune disease and gastric autoimmunity
Pathogenesis of autoimmune
1. primarily by antibody (auto-antibody):
e.g. hemolytic anemia
2. primarily by cellular immunity (auto-
reactive T cell):
e.g. multiple sclerosis
3. combination of antibody and cell mediated
e.g. rheumatoid arthritis
Lupus band test (direct FAT)
Nefritis lupus

perempuan dewasa muda

rasio perempuan/laki = 5-10:1
50-80% kasus LES
4-8% presentasi awal
Nefritis lupus
Manifestasi klinis

o Proteinuria
o Hematuria mikroskopik
o Sindrom nefritik akut
o Sindrom nefrotik
o Gagal ginjal
Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity ADCC

Complement Natural killer cell Macrophage



Lymphoma cell

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