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Cytoplasmic Male Sterility

Initiated by (Joseph
Gottlieb Klreuter),
through anther abortion
(w/in n b/w species;
now: >150 plants. [2]
> than female sterility:
1. male sporophyte and gametophyte are
less protected from the environment
than the ovule and embryo sac
2. 2. it results from natural selection on
mitochondrial genes thus maternally
inherited and not concerned with pollen
Easy to be detected: a large number of
pollen grains are produced and are
easily studied.
Studied through staining techniques
(carmine, lactophenol or iodine), while
detection of female sterility is by the
absence of seeds.
Male-sterile plants may be
propagated, since they can still set
seed, while female-sterile plants
Male sterility can arise
spontaneously via mutations in
nuclear and/or cytoplasmic genes.
Male sterility can be either
cytoplasmic or cytoplasmicgenetic.

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is

caused by the extranuclear genome
(mitochondria or chloroplast) and
shows maternal inheritance.
Manifestation of male sterility in
CMS may be controlled either
entirely by cytoplasmic factors or
by interaction between
cytoplasmic and nuclear factors.
Cytoplasmic male sterility, is under
control of the mitochondrial or plastid
genomes n shows non-Mendelian
inheritance, with male sterility inherited
In general, there are two types of
cytoplasm: N (normal) and aberrant S
(sterile) cytoplasms. These types exhibit
reciprocal differences.
CMS is controlled by an extranuclear
genome, capable to restore fertility;
when fertility genes (Rf) is available
and so called cytoplasmicgenetic
male sterility; the sterility is
manifested by the influence of both
nuclear (with Mendelian inheritance)
and cytoplasmic (maternally inherited)
There are also Rf genes that are
distinct from genetic male sterility
The Rf genes have no expression of
their own unless the sterile
cytoplasm is present.
Rf genes are required to restore
fertility in S cytoplasm that causes
Plants with N cytoplasm are fertile and S
cytoplasm with genotype Rf- leads to fertiles
while S cytoplasm with rfrf produces only
male steriles.
Another feature of these systems is that Rf
mutations (i.e., mutations to rf or no fertility
restoration) are frequent, so that N cytoplasm
with Rfrf is best for stable fertility.
Cytoplasmicgenetic male
sterility systems are widely
exploited in crop plants for hybrid
breeding due to the convenience
of controlling sterility expression
by manipulating the gene
cytoplasm combinations in any
selected genotype.
Incorporation of these systems
for male sterility evades the need
for emasculation in cross-
pollinated species, thus
encouraging cross breeding
producing only hybrid seeds
under natural conditions.
Cytoplasmic male sterility in hybrid
Hybrid production requires a female plant in
which no viable male gametes are borne.
Emasculation is done to prevent a plant from
producing pollen so that it serves only as a
female parent. Another simple way to
establish a female line for hybrid seed
production is to identify or create a line that is
unable to produce viable pollen.
Since this male-sterile line cannot self-
pollinate, seed formation is dependent upon
pollen from the male line.
Cytoplasmic male sterility is used in hybrid
seed production. Sterility is transmitted only
through the female and all progeny will be
sterile. This is not a problem for crops such as
onions or carrots where the commodity
harvested from the F1 generation is produced
during vegetative growth.
The CMS lines must be maintained
by repeated crossing to a sister line
(known as the maintainer line) that is
genetically identical except that it
possesses normal cytoplasm and is
therefore male-fertile.
In cytoplasmicgenetic male sterility
restoration of fertility is done using
restorer lines carrying nuclear genes.
The male-sterile line is maintained by
crossing with a maintainer line
carrying the same nuclear genome as
the MS line but with normal fertile
Cytoplasmic male sterility in hybrid
maize breeding
CMS: important part of hybrid maize. The first
commercial cytoplasmic male sterile,
discovered in Texas, is known as CMS-T in
1950s, eliminated the need for detasseling.
In early 1970s the CMS-T genetics were
susceptible to southern corn leaf blight and
suffered from widespread loss of yield. Since
then CMS types C and S are used instead.[3]
Unfortunately these types are prone to
environmentally induced fertility restoration
and must be carefully monitored in the field.
Environmentally induced, in contrast to
genetic, restoration occurs when certain
environmental stimuli signal the plant to
bypass sterility restrictions and produce pollen
The systematic sequencing of new plant
species uncovered the existence of several
novel RF genes and their encoded proteins. A
unified nomenclature for the RF defines
protein families across all plant species and
facilitates comparative functional genomics
which accommodates functional RF genes and
pseudogenes, and offers the flexibility needed
to incorporate additional RFs as they become
available in future. [4]
Induction by applying chenical substances (maleic
hydrazide, Na l.2-dikloroisobutirate or ethrel) to
the leaves prior to regenerative phase to cause
death pollens but NOT THE PISTIL
Variable results: due to different respon b/w
species, environment or the chemical compounds
The compounds will be adsorbed and distributed
to flowers mersitematic tissues
Why do we produce the CMS
Genetik sterility: back crossing
Cytoplasmic sterility
Improving natural fertilization
Hybrid seeds
Genetic sterility

Regulator gene for sterility must be

homozygotic recessive: obtained by running a
back cross
msms x MsMs
F1: Msms (self fertiloized)
F2: MsMs Msms msms bcross msms
Cytoplasim sterility

Commercially important to keep pollen

sterility plants on self fertilization plants
Allow a massive crossing to produce hybrids
The sterile plants can be obtained by crossing
sterile female plant and fertile male plant
Improving natural fertilization

On the self fertilising plant, the male sterile

plant improve the possibility of cross breeding
within the plant
The male sterile gene, allows the plant to
improve its quality for cross breeding of the
self fertilising plant
Helps the breeder to do so
Producing hybrid seeds

To avoid emascultion work prior to

hybridization (time and labourius)
Crossing the A plant (all pollens sterile) with B
plant (fertile) to allow heterosist
Definisi Mandul Jantan: ketidakmampuan
tanaman untuk memproduksi atau melepaskan
pollen subur (fertile) yang disebabkan dari
kegagalan formasi atau perkembangan stamen,
mikrospora, atau gamet sehingga tidak bisa
menyerbuki dirinya sendiri atau tanaman lain
yang disebabkan ketidaksuburan pollen BUT has a
fertile ovary dan bisa dibuahi oleh tanaman lain.
Berdasarkan penyebab terjadinya mandul jantan
bisa dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok :
Mandul jantan inti (Nuclear male strerility/NMS); kegagalan formasi
pollen yang disebabkan oleh mutasi satu atau lebih gen pada
kromosom inti, yang biasanya bersifat resesif. Sifat mandul jantan
ini jarang dipakai sebagai program pemulian karena sifat mandul
jantan ini biasanya diikuti penurunan fertilitas betinanya dan
bersifat kurang stabil.
Mandul jantan sitoplasma (Cytoplasmic male sterility); sifat mandul
jantan yang diakibatkan oleh mutasi pada gen sitoplasma, sifat
mandul jantan ini diwariskan ke generasi berikutnya melalui jalur
induk betinanya.
Mandul jantan sitoplasma-genetika (Cytoplasmic-genetic male
sterility/CMS); sifat mandul jantan yang diakibatkan oleh interaksi
gen pada inti dan sitoplasma (mitokondria). Sifat mandul jantan ini
banyak dipakai dalam program-program pemuliaan dan industri
Mandul jantan interaksi induksi gen dan lingkungan
(Environmentally sensitive genetics male sterility/EGMS);
sifat mandul jantan yang diakibat oleh interaksi genetik dan
lingkungan, gen inti menyebabkan mandul jantan yang
diakibatkan oleh perubahan lingkungan dan akan kembali
subur apabila lingkungannya menjadi ke kondisi yang
diinginkan oleh tanaman. Thermo-sensitive genetic male
sterility (TGMS) dan photosensitive genetic male sterility
(PGMS) merupak dua bidang yang diteliti dalam GE-MS
sistem pada padi
Mandul jantan dalam program pemuliaan dipakai
sebagai metode pembuatan benih hibrida dengan
harapan mencapai kemurnian mencapai 100%
(pure hybrid) dan mengurangi biaya tenaga kerja
dan menghemat waktu karena tidak perlu
melakukan emakulasi/kastrasi bunga
jantan. Pengunaan metode mandul jantan
umumnya dipakai pada produksi benih jagung
hibrida, wortel, bunga matahari, dan yang
sekarang lagi banyak dibicarakan oleh pemulia
adalah padi hibrida. Sebagai ilustrasi adalah
pembuatan hibrida pada tanaman jagung;
2.1. Produksi benih hibrida jagung hibrida normal (tanpa MS)
Pada pembuatan benih jagung hibrida NORMAL kita masih memerlukan
detaseling pada tanaman betina dan membuang tongkol dari tanaman
jantan agar tidak tercampur pada benih F1 yang akan kita pasarkan.
tetua A X tetua B F1 hibrida detaseling
2.2. Produksi benih hibrida jagung hibrida dengan metode MS (tanpa
Tetua A (MS) X Tetua B (restorer)
F1 hibrida (fertile)
Aplikasi mandul jantan pada padi hibrida dilakukan dengan prinsip-prinsip
yang sama: 3 galur yang harus tersedia pada pembuatan padi hibrida,
yaitu galur A (mandul jantan;gen S[rfrf] ), galur B (maintainer; gen N[rfrf] )
dan galur R (restorer; gen N/S[RfRf] ).
Dilakukan dua tahap: multiplikasi galur A (tetua betina) dan persilangan
dengan restorer (galur R). Proses pembuatan padi hibrida dengan sistem
tiga galur sebagai berikut:
Tahap 1. Multiplikasi galur induk betina (CMS) :
A (S[rfrf]/MS) X B (N[rfrf])
Tahap 2. Produksi benih hibrida : A (S[rfrf]/MS) X R (S/N[RfRf])
F1 hibrida (komersial)
Tahapan pemuliaan padi hibrida sebagai berikut :
Pencarian galur-galur sebagai calon-calon benih
Test cross; menentukan tetua CMS, maintainer,
dan restorer serta melakukan persilangan test
cross dengan galur CMS untuk mencari kombinasi
yang terbaik
Uji daya hasil
Pelepasan varietas
Intisari pada artkel Mark E. Williams (genetic engineering for
pollonation control) adalah bagaimana menutupi kekurangan dari
mandul jantan inti (NMS) yang tidak membuat 100% populasi
tanaman menjadi mandul jantan (baik gen dominan maupun
resesif) bila dengan persilangan normal mandul jantan yang
diperoleh hanya 50% saja; pada induk betina gen dominan (MSms X
msms 50% MSms;50% msms) dan bila pada induk betina memiliki
gen resesif (msms X MS ms 50% MSms; 50% msms). Oleh karena
itu digunakan cara lain yaitu dengan melakukan rekayasa genetika,
rekayasa genetika yang dilakukan adalah dengan memasukan gen
barnase dari Bacillus amyloliquefaciens yang bisa merusak formasi
sel tapetal pada anther dan mencegah pembentukan formasi
polen. Dengan metode ini maka akan didapatkan 100% populasi
yang mandul jantan.
Kaul, M.L.H. 1998. Male Sterility :
Classification and Concept. Pp. 16-45. In: S.S.
Banga and S. K. Banga. Hybrid Cultivar
Development. Narosa Pub. Hause. New
Dehli. India.
Virmani, S. S. 1994. Heterosis and hybrid rice
breeding. Monograph on theoretical and
apllied genetics. Vol. 22, Springer-
Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. New York

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