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Freeze tolerance: comparing two geographically isolated

populations of the cinnabar moth

Tim Lieberenz1, Monte Mattsson2, Linda Brgi2, Peter McEvoy2
1Oregon State University College of Science
2Department of Botany and Plant Pathology

Abstract Methods Results A

Freezing to death in winter is a danger faced
by ectothermic organisms throughout We reared eggs and larvae collected from high Prewinter acclimation time had no effect on
temperate climates. One adaptation of elevation sites in the Oregon Cascades supercooling points for either population. (F =
lepidopteran insects for overwinter survival is (mountain, ~1400 meters) and low elevation 1.96, d.f. = 118, P = 0.145; Fig 4).
the sequestration of antifreeze solutes in the sites in the Willamette Valley, Oregon (valley,
hemolymph prior to pupal diapause. This acts ~50 meters). We separated pupae into three a
to depress freezing points during the long prewinter treatment groups: 0, 1, and 2
and immobile pupal stage during winter. We (representing no prewinter, mountain prewinter b Prewinter
measured freezing (supercooling) points of condition, and valley prewinter condition, treatments
two geographically isolated populations respectively, Fig 2).
(valley versus mountain) of the cinnabar
moth, Tyria jacobaeae (Lepidoptera: Upon pupation treatment groups were subjected
Erebidae) to test if mountain populations to 22C day and 7C night temperatures and
have evolved lower freezing points than 15h light:9h dark photoperiod in controlled
valley populations. The hypothesized environmental chambers for either 7 days
differences between the two populations are (Treatment Group 0), 67 days (Treatment Group
due to rapid (<30 generations) adaptive 1), or 127 (Treatment Group 2) consecutive Mountain Valley
evolution following the insects recent days. All treatment groups were then held for 30
colonization of the harsher mountain climate. days in constant 5C and 0L:24D to simulate
one month of winter. Fig 4 Summary of supercooling points. Fig 6 Pupal length (A) and width (B) are correlated
with lower supercooling points, suggesting that
overall body size is advantageous during colder
When acclimation groups were pooled, valley winters.
origin insects had significantly lower
supercooling points than mountain origin insects Discussion
(t = 2.3952, df = 119.99, P = 0.01816). Valley No difference among acclimation groups:
pupae froze at -23.19 C (mean, +3.40SD, n =
57), while mountain pupae froze at -21.62C Freeze tolerance might not require
(+3.85 SD, n = 65). extended periods of preparation

The populations appear not to differ in pupal or...

length (t = -1.3198, df = 119.58, P = 0.1894) or
pupal width (t = 0.0512, df = 119.99, P = Follow-up tests that eliminate the 30-day
0.9593), however our data suggest pupal body cool-down period (see Methods) may
Fig 1 Tyria jacobaeae in pupal form size is correlated with supercooling points. reveal differences among prewinter
Fig 2 Schematic showing rationale for prewinter treatments. Longer pupae had lower supercooling points acclimation intervals within, or between,
Geographic populations might be adapted to longer valley-like (Fig 6A), which decreased by 1.329 C for
or shorter mountain-like prewinters intervals. populations when snap-freezes occur.
every one millimeter increase in its length (F = -
Introduction Individual pupae were placed in the center of 3.084, P = 0.00253). Pupal width had a similar Why are valley populations more
15cm3 polystyrene blocks, and the blocks were effect on supercooling point (Fig 6B), every freeze tolerant? Is it not colder in the
Biological control insects provide placed into larger polystyrene containers millimeter increase correlated with a 1.8898 C mountains?
opportunities to test for adaptations to new (coolers) filled with dry ice (-80C). The pupal decrease in supercooling point (F = -2.775, P =
climates. The present study involves tansy body temperatures decreased at approximately 0.00641). A direct causal relationship between
ragwort (Asteraceae: Jacobaea vulgaris), an pupal size and supercooling points are Yes, but there is also more snow, which
1C * minute-1 and were monitored in real time
invasive and poisonous weed accidentally questionable however, given the large residuals may act as a thermal buffer to sub-zero
using thermocouples, until we observed an
introduced to western Oregon (1). To combat exotherma sudden ~10C increase in pupal and correspondingly low coefficients of temperatures. Thus, effective (pupal
its spread, the cinnabar moth was released temperature caused by the hemolymph state determination associated with the linear body) temperature may in fact be colder
as a biological control agent first in lowland change from liquid to solid (Fig 3). regression models. in the valley. Empirical data collection is
sites of Oregon beginning in 1960 and then planned for testing this.
mountain clear-cut logging sites throughout
the 1980s. The source populations used for Mountain populations have largely
mountain redistributions of the moth were
shifted from the target host ragwort to a
drawn from lowland populations.
Introductions in the mountains ceased by
novel host arrowleaf groundsel (Senecio
1990, yet the insect continues to thrive triangularis). This inferior host may
despite greatly shortened summers, and affect physiological mechanisms of
colder, longer winters where temperatures freeze tolerance.
routinely drop below -15C. Therefore this
system allows us to investigate adaptive References
1.Tansy Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) : USDA ARS. United
changes in cold hardiness between the States Department of Agriculture (2016).
ancestral (valley) and derived (mountain) 2.Entomart (Photograph database). (2006, July 19). Tyria
jacobaeae pupa. [Digital image]. Retrieved from
population within a known timeline. Fig 3 The general scheme of a supercooling curve. The pupal
Photo by Monte Mattsson
temperature drops from room temperature to around -20C,
where the exothermic reaction associated with the state Fig 5
Baylee Mayfield made significant contributions to data
change of the insects hemolymph can be visualized. Adult T. jacobaeae after emerging sometime in Spring collection for this study. Thank you Baylee!

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