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Are Triangles the

Strongest Shape?
Degree of Freedom of Triangles

The degree of freedom (n) of a plane chain is given by the Grasshoff's law
as: n=3(l1)2jh
l=no. of links=3
j=no. of binary joints=3
h=no. of higher pairs=0

The triangular chain (equivalent to plane triangular shape) has zero

degree of freedom this indicates that links of the triangular chain can't
move even a bit if links are strong enough even under the application of
external forces.
Thus a triangular shape is the strongest one which is also called a rigid
structure. It is also called a perfect frame in physical structures.
Restrictions Due to Rigidity

As triangles are a rigid shape. It places a restriction on the material to be

strong enough to handle the stress and not break.
Truss Bridge
Thank you


MADE BY: Dhwani Teckchandani
Takshil Rastogi

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