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Assalamualaikum and salam 1 malaysia. First of all thanks
to the Allah S.W.T because with his bounty I could
complete the assignment practical reports for Digital
Electronics Fundamental course. In this opportunity I
would like to thank our lecturer, Mr Ibrahim bin Mamat
because has given guidance to us during the period of
learning in the classroom. Without him, maybe I might not
be able to complete this practical report.
Besides that, I also want to thank my friends for guiding
the practice and report. All errors have been corrected
and without friends we will not see our mistakes. Lastly,
thanks to all.
Learn the basic about IC component and logic
Understanding the function of each type of IC and
logic gate.
Practicing on how to use IC component and logic
gate correctly.
Knowing different type of IC and the value of each
logic gate.
Boolean algebra is the subarea of algebra in which
the values of the variables are the truth values true
and false, usually denoted 1 and 0 respectively.
Instead of elementary algebra where the values of
the variables are numbers, and the main operations
are addition and multiplication, the main operations
of Boolean algebra are the conjunction and,
denoted , the disjunction or, denoted , and the
negation not, denoted . It is thus a formalism for
describing logical relations in the same way that
ordinary algebra describes numeric relations.
The purpose of these notes is to introduce Boolean notation for
elementary logic.
In this version of things we use 0 for F (False) and 1 for T (True).
Negation is represented
by placing a bar (or overline) across an expression. Thus we write
_ A = A.
The overline can go across a complex expression. Thus we have
_ (A _ B) = A _ B.
In Boolean notation, we use multiplication for and and addition
for or. Thus, we write
and we write
A ^ B = AB.
DE Morgan Theorem are two additional simplification techniques that can be used to
simplify the Boolean expression. Again, the simplify the Boolean expression, the simple
the resulting result

A+B = A .B
A .B = A +B
IC 7408 & 7432 Gate IC
Digital Trainer
IC Tester
Long nose
Cutter wire
Jumper wire 1 core
1)Check the 7408 & 7432 IC using IC Tester

Construct truth table for Y=A+(B.C)

Sketch a logic circuit
Wiring the circuit
Testing the circuit
Record the result onto truth table (Practical)
Job Sheet 08
Draw a logic circuit for Boolean expression Y=A(B+C); construct a
equivalent truth table. Compare it with your experiment truth table, is it
same or not? Why ? Answer ;-
The circuit refer to the result
The result theory is same with the result practical because we wired
same with the circuit that haved been sketch. We also used same IC so
the function is same with theory. It can prove the theory is true.
In this experiment a LOW voltage at the input switch is refer as binary 0,
normally open(N/O)
In this experiment a HIGH voltage at the input switch is refer as binary 1,
normally close(N/C)
In order to get SUM function, the logic gate OR is used
To get the multiplication function, the logic gate AND is used
We can construct the circuit by referring the Boolean expression and
record the result into the Truth Table
Job Sheet 09
In order to get SUM function, the logic gate OR is used
To get the multiplication function, the logic gate AND is
Explain why we need to construct the truth table
We have to construct truth table because easy to define
and find the output where we divide two part is theory
result and practical result.
We can construct the circuit by referring to the Boolean
expression and record the result into the Truth Table
Construct the truth table for the 4 variable inputs which
the output will be High if only majority variable inputs are
On the whole I think this topic can provide
a special way to simplify a given boolean circuit.
End of the lesson, I was able to see and learn
about how to summarize a long circuit using
booloean theorem and the theorem of morgan

Lastly, before practice we must learn the

theory first. This is because to understand the
deeper and practical without making any

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