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Area & Perimeter Word Problems

1. How many
inches of wood
are needed to
frame an 8.5
inch by 11 inch

Perimeter or Area: __________________

Show Work: __________________
Solution (with correct units): __________________
2. Norman is a sunflower
farmer. His farm is in the
shape of a rectangle with a
width measuring 3
kilometers and a length
measuring 4.2 kilometers.
To the nearest tenth, what
is the total land area
Norman uses?

Perimeter or Area: __________________

Show Work: __________________
Solution (with correct units): __________________
3. Ella and Veronica are in charge of making a
banner for the volleyball game this Saturday.
How much poster paper will they need for a
triangle shaped banner with a height of 3.5
feet and a base of 6 feet?

Perimeter or Area: __________________

Show Work: __________________
Solution (with correct units): __________________
4. Jessica wants to put a
fence around her 10.5
foot by 13.75 foot
rectangular garden.
How many feet of
fencing will she need?

Perimeter or Area: __________________

Show Work: __________________
Solution (with correct units): __________________
5. Before soccer practice, Lisa warms up
by jogging around the soccer field that
is 100 yards by 130 yards. How many
yards does she jog if she goes around
the field two times?

Perimeter or Area: __________________

Show Work: __________________
Solution (with correct units): __________________
6. Write your own word
problem for finding area
or perimeter of a
rectangle and solve using
the same format as this

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