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Shahid Nizami
Batch of 1999-2001
ï oal Setting
ï  Theory
ï Success Triangle
ï Tips for nterview
ï aking Executive Presentations
ï ast Track Your Career rowth

ï You can¶t accomplish anything great by playing it


ï Goals need to be SMART

ï Need to be Written and Shared


ï w ercise :
Ô Social
Ô Physical
Ô Spiritual
Ô Financial
Ô wducational
Ô Work
Ô Family
Ô Personal
ï ]ncentive based

ï Fear based

ï Attitudinal
ï oal Setting
ï  Theory
ï Success Triangle
ï Tips for nterview
ï aking Executive Presentations
ï ast Track Your Career rowth
ï álose your eyes and imagine
ï You are on an island. Rela . You are
going to be rescued in 15 minutes.
You have no worries, no concerns,
no emotional ties.
ï Rate yourself on how ok you are with
yourself 1 ± 10. 10 being feeling very
good with yourself
]  Y
ï ^u10: Winners ± Have healthy self image
and believe ³] can do it´. Risk takers, non
quitters. Take responsibility for actions and

ï èuÿ: At-Leaster ± See themselves as

³average´ but not e ceptional. Sets modest

ï 1u-: Non-Winners ± Have imperfect ³Role´

performances that confirm low ³]dentity´ value
beliefs. Don¶t e pect to win, so usually don¶t.

ï áomfort Zone: 5u^

ï oal Setting
ï  Theory
ï Success Triangle
ï Tips for nterview
ï aking Executive Presentations
ï ast Track Your Career rowth



Behavior Techniques
ï oal Setting
ï  Theory
ï Success Triangle
ï Tips for nterview
ï aking Executive Presentations
ï ast Track Your Career rowth
ï Plan in Advance
ï ole Play
ï Body Language
ï Be Positive and relaxed
ï ive as many examples as possible
ï rge them to share
ï oal Setting
ï  Theory
ï Success Triangle
ï Tips for nterview
ï aking Executive Presentations
ï ast Track Your Career rowth
ï Executive Summary
ï Agenda ule of Three
ï Body
ï ey Take Aways
ï Challenges and Suggestions
ï Next Steps
Well Begun is Half Done
ï Create comfort, ease, openness = apport

ï Build Credibility = Earn the ight

ï Define and anage Expectations = raming

ï Create curiosity and interest = Values





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ï oal Setting
ï  Theory
ï Success Triangle
ï Tips for nterview
ï aking Executive Presentations
ï ast Track Your Career rowth
Y ÚY  

ï now All and ensure that they know you

ï Set your own SLA for email responses

ï f you want to grow , aspire for your manager¶s


ï odfather
° Ú  

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