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Group :

1. Astri Maulida Pratiwi (01)

2. Eka Susrini Novitasari (11)

3. Pingky Wahyuningtyas (22)

4. Rekno Puji Lestari (24)

Importance For Using
Smartphone has become a
necessity for many people . Not only among
adults only or the upper middle level
workers , young people today even now
many are using it . Various people have
been using it, Start of grandparents ,
mother father , adults , and college
students , by students of junior-high
school , and even elementary school
children . Not only the business community
alone , even among junior high school and
elementary school were already familiar
with this gadget from Blackberry ,
Samsung , I-phone , LG , HTC , Oppo , Mito
, Cross , Lenovo etc.
• In social life mobile phone have change people lives in different ways,
whichbaffects the way to work, personal life and relationship.
• This is a positive impact of the use smartphone :

1. Positive impact of human relationship is the

first mobile phone, cell phone use increased
connectivity, both sort distance or long
distance, and reduce the amount of time
where we can’t communicate with others.
2. World of work and business.
beside affecting our personal communications,
the positive impact of mobile phones has
influenced the way we do business
3. Ease to communicate , it is because it is
basically a smartphone has the function of
mobile communications connection so kids
and teens can call anyone , anywhere . It
really helps them in times of emergency . It
also helps parents in monitoring the child's
position when needed .

4. Ease of getting information , generally

smartphone can connect to the internet it
allows children and teenagers to get
additional information instantaneously so
that adds to the knowledge of children and
adolescents .
This the picture about negative
impact using smartphone

Smartphones have affected the children mindset. Ranging from toddlers

up to the level of the Students in senior high school level.
The presence of a smartphone is quite phenomenal because it offers many
advantages in communication . Because its function as mini computers , many of
which later got hooked. Wherever stepped foot , smartphone users continues to
stare at the screen as if the phone did not want to miss important things . However
, be warned , excessive use of smartphones could bring disaster .
This is the negative impact of the use of smartphones :

1) Addictive ability to stay connected for 24 hours nonstop for

7 days to make smartphone users are always updated with any
news , including to chat with friends .Sooner or later this will
lead to addiction .
2) Disrupt sleep Because its fun use of smartphones such as
chatting browsing etc , the fun can continue into the night ,
time to rest and restore energy .
3) Quite a lot of research that says the adverse effects lack of
sleep . Ranging from decreased work productivity , increased
number of accidents , to the body so easily attacked by
diseases . Therefore, turn off your phone before bedtime so
that you can rest .
3) Reduce productivity No one denies the
sophistication of today's mobile phones to meet
all communication needs . However , these tools
can lead to addiction , distraction , even robbed
of sleep
4) Damage the brain Adverse effects of mobile
phone radiation on health is still so controversial ,
but some studies have shown cell phone radiation
and brain tumors can trigger insomnia . Too often
stared at the phone can also cause nausea and
headaches .
5) Wastage of money wasted (having a mobile phone
can not be separated from the use of pulses of
prime cards, and the use of these pulses that can
make a consumer's mobile phone acting wasteful)
Damage the brain Adverse effects of mobile
phone radiation on health
This the video how radiance
smartphone can to burn cooking foil

Corn is turned into
popcorn result of the
radiation beam
Ordinary water which then
boils due to the strong
radiation exposure of
Avoid the use of “SMARTPHONES”
excessive, which can cause adverse
effects to our...
Health about your love ...
About your Love Life ...
Love about your future ...


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