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I-What is internet ?

II-Internet of things.
III-How does it work ?
IV-How do we add those abilities?
V-Advantages of IOT.
VI-Disadvantages of IOT.
The Internet, is a worldwide system of computer
networks “ a network of networks “It was conceived
by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of
the U.S government in 1969 and was first known as
the ARPANet.
The internet is one of the most important invented
technologies it is like a digital fabric that moved into
the lives of people in one way or another and became
necessary to have.

We call it the internet of people.

The internet of people changed the world while there’s

a new internet emerging and it’s supposed to change
the world again , it’s the internet of things.
The Internet Of Things is a new internet that is not just
about connecting people but about connecting devices over
the internet, letting them talk to us, applications, and each
The popular, if silly, example is the smart fridge: what
if your fridge could tell you it was out of milk, texting you if
its internal cameras saw there was none left, or that the carton
was past its use-by date?
The internet of things is
changing much about the
world we live in from the way
We drive to how we make
purchases and even how
we get energy in our home .
IOT is also defined as the evolution of mobile home and embedded
applications that will be connected to internet integrating great computer
capabilities and using data analytics
to extract meaningful informations .

billions of devices will be connected to the internet and soon hundreds of

billions of devices.
As devices connect with eahother they can become an intelligent system of
And when these intelligent devices and system of systems
share data over the cloud and analyse it ,they can trasform our
businesses, our lives and our world in countless ways ,wether
it’s improving medical outcomes , creating better products
faster with lower developpement costs ,making shopping more
enjoyable or optimizing energy generation and consumption.
Well it works like this : you take things and then u add
the ability to sense and communicate and touch and
control and then u give the opportunity to things to
interact and collaborate with other things .
Think of it as this : we as humans we interact
and contribute and collaborate with other people
in our own environnement through our five
senses with seeing and smelling and touch and
taste and hearing.
Well imagine things with the ability to sense and
to touch and then add the ability to
communicate and that’s where the internet
of people and the internet of things intersect .
Sophisticated sensors and chips are embedded in physical
things that surround us , each transmitting valuable data
which let us better understand how these things work and how
they work together .
So How exactly does all devices share such large quantities of
data ? and how do we put that information to work?
The process starts with devices themselves which
securely communicates with an internet of things platform .
This platform integrates the data from many
devices and applies analytics to share the most
valuable data with applications that address
industry specefic needs.
For our example :
Imagine an intelligent device such as a smart traffic camera,
the camera can monitor the road for congestion , accidents and
weather conditions that communicates that data to a gateway
and combines it with data from other camera creating
an intelligent city traffic system .
Now imagine that intelligent traffic system connected to other
city transporation systems which get data from their own
intelligent devices creating an ever larger intelligent system of
systems .The really big possibilities come from analyzing end
to end data accross that system of systems.
For example, let’s say that the city ‘s intelligent traffic system
detects massive congestion due to an accident.
That inside can be sent to the city wide transportation system
which analyze the accident’s impact on other city systems ;
Recognizing the accident is near the airport and to city schools
it can notify those city systems so they can adjustify both fly
and school scheduals. It can also analyze and derive optimal
routes around the accident and send those instructions to the
city’s digital signing system to guide drivers around the accident
And that’s just one example of the potentional benefits
that can happen when when devices share insides with
other systems forming ever expanding system of systems.
IoT encourages the communication between devices, also
famously known as Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
Communication that allow devices to stay connected.
2-Automation and Control
Without human intervention, the machines are connected and
controlled digitally and communicating with each other
leading to faster and timely output.
having more information helps making better decisions
For example ,knowing that you are low on milk or printer
ink could save you another trip to the store in the near future.
The amount of time saved because of IoT could be quite large.
And in today’s modern life, we all could use more time.
The biggest advantage of IoT is saving money. If the price of
the monitoring equipment is less than the amount of money
saved, iot will be very widely adopted.
7-Better Quality of Life
It increases comfort, convenience, and better management,
which improves the quality of life.
Currently, there is no international standard of compatibility for
the tagging and monitoring equipment. It can be easily solved
if The manufacturing companies of these equipment agree to a
standard, such as Bluetooth, USB, etc.
As with all complex systems, there are more opportunities of
failure. For example both husband and wife get a message that
milk is out they both purchase it on their way.
3-Lesser Employment of Menial Staff
The unskilled workers and helpers may end up losing their jobs
in the effect of automation of daily activities.
The internet of things is now applied in different parts of
the globe such as USA ad planning to expend and develop
even more.
Although it has quite a few disadvantages, its advantages
of saving the consumer’s time and money can’t be ignored ,
efforts will have to be made to find ways to combat them.
The time isn’t far where Internet of things will be commonly
seen in both households and companies.
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