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Enviromental Impacts of Dams

Erosion and Sedimentation

When water containing silt is stored in the reservoir the silt
becomes deposited in the reservoir. Now when the water is
released from the dam ,it is relatively silt free and now it
hungrily takes up the silt which causes erosion.
The Effects of Dams on Ecosystems

Due to the construction of the dams the natural environmental

balance is disturbed and hence the ecosystem is disturbed.
Water Temperature

The reservoir alters the temperature which is dangerous for

many aquatic animals.
Effects on Coastal and Marine

The construction of large dams can have adverse effects on

coastal and marine environments hundreds and even thousands
of kilometers downstream. The impoundment of not just the
water, but also the blocking of the riverine silt and nutrient
load as well, has altered the ecologies.
The Social Effects of Dams

The construction of dam causes loss of land and displacement

of people.This causes great social effects.

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