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“Describe my
a. Complete the table of values of the following
Quadratic Functions. Then, sketch the graph in
a Cartesian Plane.
y = 2x2

y = -2x2
“Describe my
Graphs of the Quadratic Functions
y = 2x2 y = -2x2
“Describe my
To verify your observations, complete the table of
values of this another pair of Quadratic Equation.
Then, sketch the graph in a Cartesian Plane.

y = (x – 1)2 – 3

y = -(x + 2)2 – 1
“Describe my
Graphs of the Quadratic Functions
y = (x – 1)2 – 3 y = -(x + 2)2 – 1
“Describe my
b. Upon looking at the graphs, which of the
quadratic functions has a minimum point?
maximum point?

c. Draw a line which passes through the vertex

and at the same time, perpendicular with
respect to the x-axis. Determine the equation
of that line.
“Describe my
d. Take a closer look at the minimum point or the
maximum point and try to relate it with the values
of h and k in the equation y = a(x – h)2 + k of the
function. Write your observations.

e. Can you identify the domain and range of

the functions?
Let’s summarize!

The graph of Quadratic Function (parabola) opens

either upward or downward.

If the value of a > 0, then the parabola opens

upward and the minimum point is defined but
if a < 0, the parabola opens downward and the
maximum point is defined.

It has a turning point called vertex which is either

the lowest point or the highest point in the graph.
Let’s summarize!

There’s a line called the axis of symmetry which

divides the graph into two parts such that one-half
of the graph is a reflection of the other half.

If a quadratic function is expressed in the form

y = a(x – h)2 + k, the vertex is the point (h,k)

The line x = h or x = -b/2a is the axis of symmetry

and k is the minimum or maximum value of the
Let’s summarize!

The domain of Quadratic Function is the set of all

real numbers.

The range depends on whether the parabola opens

upward or downward. If it opens upward, the range
is the set {y: y > k}. If it opens downward, then the
range is the set {y: y < k}
More practice!
Let’s try to graph the following functions and
determine the following:

A. Opening of the graph

B. Vertex (identify if it is a maximum or minimum point)
C. Equation of the Axis of symmetry
D. Domain
E. Range
1. y = x2 +2x -1
2. y = -2x2 -x + 3
3. y = -2(x – 3)2 + 2
4. y = x2 – 2
Activity 2: Draw and
Describe me!
Sketch the graph of each quadratic function and identify
the following:
A. Opening of the graph
B. Vertex (identify if it is a maximum or minimum point)
C. Equation of the Axis of symmetry
D. Domain
E. Range
NOTE: Each column of the class shall answer only the item assigned
to them

1. y = -3x2 4. y = x2 – 3
2. y = (x – 3)2 5. y = -2(x + 1)2 + 2
3. y = -1/2x2 6. y = x2 + 2
Tech Time!
Through the use of the
technology, we can graph
Quadratic Functions easily.
To check your answers, we
will use GeoGebra.
Let’s Apply!
Open your textbook on page
84 and answer the items
14 – 16 and 22 – 31 orally.
Let’s Generalize!
Answer the following questions:
1. Does the use of technology in
graphing functions important? Why
and why not?

2. Without the aid of GeoGebra, how

would you graph a Quadratic function
Let’s Evaluate!
Activity: At Your Own Pace

On your textbook (exercises on page 85 –

86), graph as many quadratic function as you
can within 15 minutes. The students who has
the most number of correct graphs will
receive a prize.

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