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Enhancing quality / property of materials for getting its

higher added value

2. Beneficiation : every process carrying out , mechanically ,

physically for materials to meet the materials specification

required by industries / market

3. Beneficiation : any process which involve no chemical

reaction for getting higher added value

There are many types of raw materials used in industries :
Classification of these raw materials can be divided into its sources
 raw materials come from natural deposits
 raw materials come from agro plants product
 raw materials come from disposed materials
 raw materials come from other industries activities
Classification of raw materials based on its physical appearance
 as a solid materials
 as a liquid materials
 or may be gaseous materials ??
• both crude raw materials and industrial / processed raw material
first should be identified according to its nature
• Identification includes :
• Chemical composition : mole or weight percentage , weight or
mole fraction bases refer to its chemicals compound or its
oxides compound  chemical analysis ( volumetric /
gravimetric ),  analysis using analytical instrument ( AAS ,
GC , GC – MS etc.)
• This identification means to determine or to distinguish what
are the main chemicals compounds which should be in the
crude or raw material  purification processes ?
• Physical properties of the crude or raw material :
• grain size or particle size  screen analysis ?
• water content  drying processes ?
• chemical compounds bases ( volumetric / gravimetric
analysis , analytical instrument / GC or GS - MS  organic
compounds bases)
• oxides bases ( Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer =
AAS  inorganic compounds bases )
• Can be expressed as a mole bases or weight bases
Xi =
W1 + W2 + W3 + ....... + Wi

X i = weight ⋅ fraction ⋅ component ⋅ i

Wi = weight ⋅ of ⋅ component ⋅ i ⋅ in ⋅ crude / rawmaterial
Yi =
m1 + m2 + m3 + ....... + mi

Yi = mole ⋅ fraction ⋅ component ⋅ i

mi = mole ⋅ of ⋅ component ⋅ i ⋅ in ⋅ crude / rawmaterial

( X i ) MWi
Yi =
( X 1 ) MW1 + ( X 2 ) MW2 + ( X 3 ) MW3 + ....... + ( X i ) MWi

X i = weight ⋅ fraction ⋅ component ⋅ i

MWi = molecularweight ⋅ of ⋅ component ⋅ i
• identification of solid state crude / raw materials usually includes
• oxide compounds , by using AAS ( Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer  dry or wet bases composition ) Al2O3 , SiO2
• mineralogy analysis , to determine the existing minerals which
compose the crude / raw material  by using XRD instrument
• for example : limestone
CaCO3  chemical compound
CaO  oxide compound for CaCO3
Calcite  mineral form of limestone
Aragonite  mineral form of limestone
• Clay : AL2O3 2 SiO2H2O : aluminates silicate compound
Al2O3 & SiO2  oxide compounds for clay
kaolinite , montmorilonite, halloysite : minerals of clay
• Identification of minerals using its basal spacing and its 2
θ value, it means that for specified crystalline form , it has
the fixed basal spacing and specific 2θ value.
• Basal spacing means the distances whish measured
between crystal lattice surfaces , usually each mineral
type has many basal spacing values , to identify the
minerals needs at least 2 its corresponding basal spacing.
• For example: clay minerals
• kaolinite mineral has the basal spacing : 7.15 Ao ,
3.566 Ao and 2.331 Ao
• Montmorilonite mineral has the basal spacing :14.7 Ao
4.42 Ao, 1.49Ao
• XRD can be used to identify the minerals qualitatively , just
looking for the basal spacing or its 2 θ values which
correspond to the minerals` basal spacing
• Analysis quantitatively using XRD instrument needs the
providing mineral standard. It can be done by comparing
the reflected X-Ray beam counts between the mineral
standard and sample for the same basal spacing or 2θ
• Comparing the counts of reflected X-Ray of one sample
with others for the same basal spacing or 2θ value , can
indicate the relatively mineral content. The higher the
counts means having the higher mineral content
• Keep in mind : XRD method analysis is suitable only for
crystalline minerals , not for amorphous minerals
• no particles in industries having single size
• the size of these particle should be noted as ranges of its
• Usually particle sizes in term of Mesh size , mesh screen
 Tyler standard wire mesh
• Mesh definition :
• for smaller particles , Mesh is define as a number of
holes each square inch of wire mesh

1 inch wire Mesh : 100 

hole there are 100 holes
each square inch
1 inch
Screen aperture :
the diameter / the
opening of each hole in mesh
• standard screen system , means that in each
system consists of several mesh-screens, which
its aperture is orderly specified
• An = aperture of the nth screen from the top of
the screen arrangement
• An+1 = aperture of the (n+1)th screen from the top
of the screen arrangement
An = √2 An+1

Mesh number : 100  A100 = 0,147 mm

Mesh number : 150  A150 = 0,104 mm
The diameter / size of particle which
retained 150 Mesh and through 100 Mesh

 should be noted as : - 100 + 150 Mesh

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