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Group 5

We will explain about:

English sentence
A sentence is a set of words
that in principle tells a
complete thought.
Sebuah kalimat adalah rangkaian
kata-kata yang pada prinsipnya
mengatakan pemikiran yang
⬜ 1. Teaching a foreign language.
it does not a sentence because when we
listen to this group of words, we feel that
we are left hanging. It does not tell the
listeners “who acts the action of teaching”. It
does not express a complete thought, it just
gives the readers information about what is
done .

⬜ 2. My father teaches foreign language.

what the speaker talks about is clear. The group
expresses a complete thought.the basic action is
complete: “father teaches”. Such a group expresses a
complete thought is asentence.
Exercise 1
1. Eating a good breakfast is important.
2. The winning season of the collage baseball team.
3. He graduated.
4. An empty backpack with the hole in it.
5. It is major source of personal and social identity.
6. a majority of doctors in Indonesia.
7. According to a research.
8. ten people of facilities had antibiotics in their
9. Sabam is survived by his wife
10. Sell such drugs without presciption.
Subject & predicate

1. subject 2. predicate
A subject is what the A predicate is
sentence is about or what it said about
what is it saying or the subject.
the topic of the
sentence. ⬜ Example both:
⬜ surti plays guitar
□ Subject Predicate
Simple a n d complete o f subject
a n d predicate
A. Simple Subject A complete predicate
includes not only the
Example: Students
verb or verb phrase but
arrived yesterday. also all the words that
give more information
B. Complete subject about it.
Example: Visitors from Example: All students
are printing sport shoes.
other country arrived
Exercise 2
1. Indonesia declared Ramadan begins in monday
2. Language influences the way people see the
3. Ramadan is the ninth month in the islamic
4. Language is used to mantain culture.
5. The language we speak shape the way we think.
6. I have taught English in many Asian countries.
7. In english, we have to mark the verb for tense.
8. Learning a new language involves the learning
of a new culture
9. the worst thing that the son of Adam can fill is
their stomachs.
10. The nights of Ramadan are special for Muslim.
C o m p o u n d subject a n d

Example: Example:
The doctor and the nurses The glass fell off the table
worked tirelessely to save and smashed on the floor.
the patients.
Note:terdapat 2 predicate
note: terdapat 2 subject dalam satu kalimat
dalam satu kalimat
C o m p o u n d subject a n d
c o m p o u n d predicate o n the
s a m e sentence

Almonds and grapes make healthy and
taste good .

Terkadang bisa juga dalam satu kalimat terdapat

compound subject dan compound predicate
seperti contoh diatas.
Exercise 3
1. Mr. Morton and his students study hard and learn a lot.
2. Both a bowling ball and a rock should hit the ground at the
same time.
3. I Woke up, brushed my hair and my teeth, and went to
4. the student took notes and asked question
5. our planet revolves around the sun and rotates on its axis.
6. Intelligent, courage, and luck can help people survive.
7. Neither the pillow and the curtains match the couch.
8. Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse were the creation of Walt
9. In preschool, boys and girls drew pictures and colored them.
10. Cathy and Lisa did their homework and checked it twice.

Remember!! (A Sentence always has a subject and a verb and

always expresses a complete thought)

Do not duplicate the subject of a sentence. Duplicate subject means

using the pronoun in a sentence that has already has a person or
thing as a Subject.

Example: The boy and his friend, they study in the

Example: The boy and his friend, they study in the library.
(Incorrect Sentence)

The boy and his friend, and they refer the same person. This is
wrong. Remember, We only use one word on phrase as the subject
of a sentence. If yu have already mentioned the subject, it is wrong
to use the pronoun to refer the same person or thing.

Example: the boy and his friend, study in the library. (Correct
Exercise 4
1. My hometown it has very beautiful scenery.
2. after dance, the girls, they sang together.
3. Where is the book that you bought it?
4. That woman, she works at the supermarket.
5. After the exercise, you should be a better writer.
6. Suddenly, two men, they were standing at the door.
7. Working at the store, it is very tiring.
8. According to my wife, she is smarter than i am.
9. The band that we has them was very good.
10. Take the cake that you bought it at the store and put it on the

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