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Parts of a House

We can find the followings parts :

 Hip roof: A roof that rises by inclined planes from all four sides of a building.
 Joist: Wooden members that run parallel to one another and support a floor or ceiling, and are supported in turn by
larger beams, girders, or bearing walls.
 Sash: The frame that holds the glass in a window, often the movable part of the window.
 Tread: The walking surface board of a stairway with a 10” minimum depth.
 Slab, concrete: Concrete floors.
 Beam: A horizontal structural member running between posts, columns or walls.
 Chimney:
 Heater : machine for warming up the house
 Air conditioner
 Elevator
 Den :This is a term for a small, comfortable room where you can do activities like read or watch TV in private.

 Mudroom: This is a small room or entryway where you can remove your shoes before entering the house.
 Powder room : bathroom without a shower
 Vestibule / foyer :This is an antechamber, hall, or lobby you can enter before getting to the actual entrance of some
 Radiator:This a type of heater consisting of a tank and metal pipes located at the side of a room.
 Roof tiles:individual pieces used to make the roof
 Hallway:corridor before you reach your front door.
 Buzzer: dispositive to contact someone in an apartment.
 Eaves: The horizontal exterior roof overhang at the bearing wall.
 Foundation: The supporting portion of a structure, below the first floor construction, or below grade, including the
 Gable: The end, upper, triangular area of a home, beneath the roof.
 Hip: A roof with four sloping sides. The external angle formed by the meeting of two sloping sides of a roof.
 Masonry: Stone, brick, concrete, hollow-tile, concrete block, or other similar building units
or materials. Normally bonded together with mortar to form a wall.
 Hanging basket :suspended container used for growing decorative plants
 Door knocker
 Fence : structure that encloses an area, typically outdoors, and is usually constructed from
 Luis: Hi Clark Glad to see you again
 Clark: Hi Luis , how are you?
 Luis : kind of , i have some problems in my house
 Clark: tell me , maybe i could help you
 Luis : well , the roof tiles are appalled. I dont know what to do
 Clack : easy peasy. I have the solution. The first thing you have to do is to buy petrol , then you have to spray it over
the Wood.
 Luis: is that all?
 Clark : yeah its very simple
 Luis : thank you a lot Clark. I have another question
 Clark: sure tell me
 Luis : i wanna put a fence around my house but i dont know what is the best wood i can buy for it.
 Clark : well, i have some experience designing estructural objects with Wood like beams and columns . In these
cases i recomend to use eucalypte Wood but if you wanna put a fence you can buy oak Wood.
 Luis: oh Clark im very greatful with you. I´m gonna buy oak Wood inmediately. Well i got to go , see you later
 Clary :Ok Luis , if you have more problems , let me know. Take care

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