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¡La universidad de todos!





Escuela Profesional
Periodo académico: 2019 - I
Unidad: I
When will you use and ?

Will be an auxiliary, also known as a modal verb. This means that we use it
to create a form of the verb, in this case, the future.

will siempre irá

AFFIRMATIVE: To form the
acompañado de un verbo
affirmative we put the modal
en su forma base para
'will' followed by a verb in its
formar el futuro. Sino , will
base form.
se convierte en sustantivo
subject + will + verb + phrase
y significa voluntad.
EXAMPLE : Debemos tener en cuenta
• Yo iré a la universidad. que los modales no tienen
I will go to the university. una forma diferente para la
tercera persona del
• Él irá a la universidad. singular.
se puede utilizar con los
He'll go to the university.
pronombres personales

NEGATIVE: To form the

negative we have to deny the
Yo no iré a la Al igual que en
modal 'will'. Also, it is important afirmativa,
universidad. podemos encontrar
to note that the negative
I won't go to the la forma completa
contracted form is 'will not'. (will not) o la forma
university. contraída (won't)
subject + will not + verb +
phrase rest.
interrogative we have to invert • ¿Irás tú a la universidad?
the modal 'will' and the subject. Will you go to the university?
will + subject + verb + phrase
Tener en cuenta
que utilizamos la
EXAMPLE: forma completa en
• Will you go las respuestas
SHORT ANSWERS: To give to the cortas afirmativas,
mientras que
short answers we must use the university?
utilizamos la forma
affirmative or negative form of contraída en las
the modal 'will'. Yes, I will / No, respuestas cortas
I won't negativas.

The Future with 'Going To' (or 'Going To Future') is used to talk about things
you have planned for the future.

It is used to talk about future EXAMPLE:

plans or to indicate that you They are going to dance in a
intend to do something party.

This time is used to talk about

the immediate future; EXAMPLE:
something that is about to Look at the sky. It's going to
happen rain
STRUCTURE: It is formed with the verb 'to be' in the present, followed by
'going to' and then the main verb.

EXAMPLE: Tener en
AFIRMATIVA: To form the
• Ellas van a bailar cuenta las
affirmative we put the
en una fiesta. formas del
corresponding form of the
They're going to verbo 'to be'
verb 'to be' accompanied correspondient
dance in a party.
by 'going to' and a verb es, así como
• Él va a perder el
subject + verb 'to be' + las formas
going to + verb + rest of contraídas ('re,
He's going to miss
phrase. 's, 'm).
the lift.
NEGATIVE: To form the
negative we deny the verb EXAMPLE:
Al igual que en
'to be' '. • Ellas no van a afirmativa,
subject + verb 'to be' bailar en una fiesta. podemos
encontrar la forma
denied + going to + verb They aren't going to completa (am not,
+ rest of phrase. dance in a party. is not, are not) o la
forma contraída
('m not, isn't,
form the interrogative we EXAMPLE:
have to invert the verb 'to ¿Van ellas a bailar en una fiesta?
Are they going to dance in a party?
be' and the
subject. verb 'to be' + ¿Va él a perder el ascensor?
subject + going to + Is he going to miss the lift?
verb + rest of phrase.
To give short answers
Tener en cuenta que
we must use the
utilizamos la forma
corresponding form of completa en las
the verb 'to be'. respuestas cortas
afirmativas, mientras
que utilizamos la
EXAMPLE : forma contraída en
• Are they going to dance in a party? las respuestas cortas
Yes, they are / No, they aren't negativas.

• Is he going to miss the bus?

Yes, he is / No, he isn't
The difference between 'will' La diferencia entre 'will' y 'going
and 'going to' is that 'will' is to' es que 'will' se utiliza para
used to talk about future hablar de predicciones de
predictions while 'going to' is futuro mientras que 'going to'
used to talk about future se usa para hablar de planes
plans de futuro.

Exercises Choose the correct future

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