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Uncommon Advices
Understand and keep in mind the typical development of children. Keep your expectations tied to the development of the children. Do not underestimate the development, nor get frustrated with their development.

Provide an active, developmentally appropriate environment where children are free to explore, interact with one another, challenge themselves.

Observe your child, and get to know him/her well.

How can you help develop your child's conscience?

NTC 2011

e make rules or we tell them how to behave . Go Beyond this & explain the

rules of behaviour and why they are important.

NTC 2011

Psycho-Social Development

Initiative versus Guilt

(3 6 years)

Increased awareness of self and world outside of home Eagerly attempts new tasks and play activities Successful attempts at new tasks which help children learn and master many things, which becomes self-reinforcing (proud of themselves) and self-controlling to gain the approval of adults

Ego-centric thinking

3 - 6 years

I am the world and the world is just like me! Repetition/Practice :




From the last two slides you would have realized

We need to appreciate efforts more than results. We need to provide opportunities to children to repeatedly do something they try.

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Capacity Building Through Appreciating

Appreciate your kids. What have you got to lose?

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Appreciation helps develop self-confidence. It helps your child get a sense of right from wrong, and prevents him from feeling neglected.
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Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it
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Let your children know you appreciate them

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The key - Appreciate them for what they are not just for what they do.

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Kids want so badly to please their parents, the trick is being able to be pleased.

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Can I be pleased with my children even when they act their age?

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Appreciate by paying attention

Appreciate your children by really paying attention when they show you their artwork, school papers, and other creative works.
If you just give them a quick compliment and only look for a second, the child can sense that you are not being sincere.

Encourage your children to participate in activities that make them feel good. Give your children appropriate responsibility. It shows that you trust and respect them.
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Two-year-old, Reshma lets her mom know whenever she has gone to the bathroom by herself, and when she gets a hug and a 'Well done, good girl!' from her mother, her day is made!

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On the other hand, Rohan just refused to put her toys back in his toy bag after playing, and would only do so after his mother had shouted and threatened his many times.

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If only Shruthi's mother praised her every time when she did indeed put her toys away, instead of shouting at her every time she didn't, Shruthi's behaviour may have been different.
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Help children build momentum by accumulating small successes.

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Say Thank you every time they hand you something, do you a favor, or listen to instructions. Let hugs, kisses, compliments and rewards be plentiful.

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Star Chart. Non verbal expressions.

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Wall of fame. Celebration of success. Appreciate Myself Game.

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Talking about good qualities of your child and good/right things he/she does to others. (In front of your child)

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Achievement Book


Dont attach but with your compliment

All compliments become pointless and meaningless if they always come with some criticism attached.

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Start out each day new!

Dont bring up misdeeds from yesterday. Try to leave yesterday there, and dont let it destroy today.

Appreciation vs.


What are you taking home today?

NTC 2011

Conclusion There is no quick fix or magic solution The good news is that building capacity is readily achievable with the implementation points discussed in the presentation.


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