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*lndla Lhe largesL democracy wlLh an esLlmaLed
populaLlon of abouL 104 bllllon ls on a road Lo rapld growLh ln
economy Lnergy parLlcularly elecLrlclLy ls a key lnpuL for acceleraLlng
economlc growLh
*1he LhefL of elecLrlclLy ls a crlmlnal offence and power
uLlllLles are loslng bllllons of rupees ln Lhls accounL lf an AuLomaLlc
MeLer 8eadlng sysLem vla ower llne CommunlcaLlon ls seL ln a power
dellvery sysLem a deLecLlon sysLem for lllegal elecLrlclLy usage ls
*ower llne communlcaLlons (LC) has many new servlce
posslblllLles on Lhe daLa Lransferrlng vla power llnes wlLhouL use of exLra
cables AuLomaLlc MeLer 8eadlng (AM8) ls a very lmporLanL appllcaLlon
ln Lhese posslblllLles due Lo every user connecLed each oLher vla
modems uslng power llnes AM8 ls a Lechnlque Lo faclllLaLe remoLe
readlngs of energy consumpLlon
I||ega| e|ectr|c|ty usage
ln lllegal usage a subscrlber lllegally use elecLrlclLy ln Lhe followlng ways
1 Us|ng the mechan|ca| ob[ects
2 Us|ng a f|xed magnet
3Us|ng the externa| phase before meter term|na|s
4Sw|tch|ng the energy cab|es at the meter connector box
Meter kead|ng
ower L|ne
8u||d|ng b|ocks for detect|on
AlLhough all of Lhe meLhods
explalned above may be valld for
elecLromechanlcal meLers only Lhe
lasL Lwo meLhods are valld for dlglLal
meLers 1herefore Lhls problem
should be solved by elecLronlcs and
conLrol Lechnlques
Automat|c Meter kead|ng (AMk)
W 1he AM8 sysLem sLarLs aL Lhe meLer Some means of
LranslaLlng readlngs from roLaLlng meLer dlals or cyclomeLer
sLyle meLer dlals lnLo dlglLal form ls necessary ln order Lo
send dlglLal meLerlng daLa from Lhe cusLomer slLe Lo a cenLral
W 1he meLer LhaL ls used ln an AM8 sysLem ls Lhe same ordlnary
meLer used for manual readlng buL Lhe dlfference wlLh
convenLlonal energy meLer ls Lhe addlLlon of some devlce Lo
generaLe pulses relaLlng Lo Lhe amounL of consumpLlon
monlLored or generaLes an elecLronlc dlglLal code LhaL
LranslaLes Lo Lhe acLual readlng on Lhe meLer dlals
W MeLer lnLerface module WlLh power supply meLer
sensors conLrolllng elecLronlcs and a communlcaLlon
lnLerface LhaL allows daLa Lo be LransmlLLed from Lhls
remoLe devlce Lo a cenLral locaLlon
W CommunlcaLlons sysLems used for Lhe Lransmlsslon
or LelemeLry of daLa and conLrol send slgnals beLween
Lhe meLer lnLerface unlLs and Lhe cenLral offlce
W CenLral offlce sysLems equlpmenL lncludlng
modems recelvers daLa concenLraLors conLrollers
hosL upload llnks and hosL compuLer
ower L|ne Commun|cat|on (LC)
W 1hls Lechnlque lnvolves ln[ecLlng a hlgh frequency AC carrler
onLo Lhe power llne and modulaLlng Lhls carrler wlLh daLa
orlglnaLlng from Lhe remoLe meLer or cenLral sLaLlon ower llne
communlcaLlons has many new servlce posslblllLles on Lhe daLa
Lransferrlng vla power llnes wlLhouL use of exLra cables
W ln Lhls power neLwork every user connecLed Lo each oLher vla
modems wlLh daLa orlglnaLlng from Lhe remoLe meLer or cenLral
W Plghspeed LC appllcaLlons of Lhe fuLure lnclude AuLomaLlc
MeLer 8eadlng (AM8) power sysLem faulL deLecLlon power
LhefL deLecLlon leakage currenL deLecLlon and Lhe
measuremenL/conLrol/energymanagemenL of elecLrlcal power
equlpmenL for elecLrlcal power companles as well as home
securlLy Lhe remoLe monlLorlng/conLrol of elecLrlcal household
etect|on and Contro| System
W LC slgnallng ls only valld over Lhe low volLage
vAC power llnes 1he sysLem should be applled Lo
every lowvolLage dlsLrlbuLlon neLwork 1he
sysLem belongs only one dlsLrlbuLlon Lransformer
neLwork and should be repeaLed for every
dlsLrlbuLlon neLwork
W lf Lhe AM8 sysLem wlll be used ln any neLwork
Lhe hosL LC unlL and a LC modem for every
subscrlber should be conLalned ln Lhls sysLem
W 1hese unlLs provlde communlcaLlon wlLh each
oLher and send Lhe recorded daLa
etect|on and Contro| System
W ln order Lo deLecL lllegal usage of elecLrlcal
energy a LC modem and an energy meLer
chlp for every subscrlber are added Lo an
exlsLlng AM8 sysLem
W Slnce Lhe polnL beLween dlsLrlbuLlon maln
llnes and subscrlber's llne connecLlon polnL ls
usually ln Lhe alr or aL underground lL ls noL
sulLable for anyone Lo access such LhaL lLs
conLrol ls easy
etect|on and Contro| System
W LC slgnallng musL be ln CLnLLLC sLandards ln
Lurope CLnLLLC has formed Lhe sLandard Ln30
0631 ln whlch Lhe frequency bands slgnallng
levels and procedures are speclfled 393 kPz ls
resLrlcLed for use by elecLrlclLy suppllers and 93
1483 kPz are resLrlcLed Lo consumer use
W 1he recorded daLa ln meLers for every subscrlber
are senL Lo hosL LC modem vla LC modems
whlch ls placed ln subscrlber's locaLlons
etect|on and Contro| System
W Lnergy meLer chlps are locaLed aL Lhe connecLlon polnLs
and read Lhe energy ln kllowaLLhours and also send Lhe
daLa Lo hosL LC unlL
W 1hese Lwo recorded energy daLa are compared ln Lhe hosL
LC lf Lhere ls any dlfference beLween Lwo readlngs an
error slgnal ls generaLed 1hls means LhaL Lhere ls an lllegal
usage ln Lhe neLwork AfLer LhaL Lhe subscrlber address
and error slgnal are comblned and senL Lo Lhe cenLral
conLrol unlL lf lL ls requesLed a conLacLor may be lncluded
Lo Lhe sysLem aL subscrlber locaLlons Lo Lurn off Lhe energy
auLomaLlcally as ln Lhe case of lllegal usage
W lL conLalns a hosL LC modem an energy meLer
chlp and lLs LC modem an elecLromechanlcal
kllowaLLhour meLer and lLs LC modem and an
opLlcal reflecLor sensor sysLem ls loaded aL Lhe
same phase of Lhe power grld
W elecLromechanlcal kllowaLLhour meLer ls
converLed Lo dlglLal daLa uslng by opLlcal reflecLor
W ulsk speed of Lhe kllowaLLhour meLer ls counLed
and obLalned daLa ls senL Lo LC modem as
energy value of Lhe kllowaLLhour meLer
W AL Lhe sysLem model an lllegal load may be
connecLed Lo Lhe power llne before Lhe kllowaLL
hour meLer vla an S swlLch
W only a legal load ls ln Lhe sysLem Lwo meLers are
accorded each oLher Lo compensaLe for any error
readlngs 1he hosL LC unlL reads Lwo recorded
daLa comlng from meLerlng LC unlLs lf Lhe S
swlLch ls closed Lhe lllegal load ls connecLed Lo
Lhe sysLem and Lherefore Lwo recorded energy
values are dlfferenL from each oLher
Cverv|ew of the proposed etector System
W 1he proposed deLecLor sysLem ls Lhe equlpmenL
and procedure for conLrolllng more remoLe
sLaLlons from a masLer conLrol sLaLlon
W 1he LC modems are hosL and LargeL modems for
Lwoway communlcaLlons Lo and from Lhe hosL
sLaLlon and Lhe remoLely conLrolled LargeLs 1he
energy meLers lnclude meLerlng chlps and some
clrculL elemenLs Lhe conLrol and loglc unlLs
compare and generaLe Lhe error slgnal ln Lhe
lllegal usage
W 1he sysLem sofLware has Lwo parLs
assembler program for Lhe mlcro conLroller
and Lhe operaLlng sofLware for Lhe
managemenL of Lhe overall sysLem
AM8 sysLem lncludlng an lllegal deLecLor performs
W Lvery user has Lwo LC modems one ls for AM8 and Lhe
oLher ls used Lo send Lhe daLa from second energy meLer
chlp Lo hosL LC modem
W An energy meLer musL be lnsLalled ln Lhe connecLlon
box beLween a home llne and maln power llnes
W 1he hosL LC unlL musL be placed ln Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon
Lransformer and Lhe conflguraLlon of Lhe addresslng
formaL of LC slgnallng musL be deslgned carefully
W 1he hosL LC modems and lLs conLroller musL lnclude
Lwo addresses per every user one ls Lhe AM8 and Lhe
oLher for Lhe energy meLer 1hese Lwo addresses musL
be selecLed sequenLlally
W peraLlng sofLware musL be deslgned for Lhe
lnformaLlon of every subscrlber ln every sub power
neLwork subscrlber ldenLlflcaLlon number bllllng
address eLc
W 1he sysLem has Lwo values of Lhe energy consumpLlon for
every user so lf Lhere ls a dlfference beLween Lhem an
error slgnal ls generaLed for Lhe lllegal user
W 1he proposed equlpmenL ls Lhe only one dlsLrlbuLed ln
Lhe power neLwork So Lhls sysLem should be repeaLed
for all dlsLrlbuLlon power neLworks All hosL unlLs ln each
dlsLrlbuLlon Lransformer may be connecLed Lo only one
maln cenLer sLaLlon vla phone llnes flberopLlc cable or
8l llnks
1he proposed deLecLor sysLem Lo deLermlne
lllegal elecLrlclLy usage vla power llne
communlcaLlons ls examlned ln Lhe laboraLory
condlLlons 8esulLs proved LhaL lf AM8 and
deLecLor sysLem are used LogeLher lllegal
usage of elecLrlclLy mlghL be deLecLed nce
Lhls proposed deLecLlon sysLems are Lrled ln
real power llnes Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon losses ln
lndla can be reduced effecLlvely
1PAnk ?u

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