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The Aiavinu Eye

Evaluate the Quality
W 1he care provlded ls of Lhe same quallLy as Lhe sLaff ls Lhe
same buL Lhe faclllLles provlded are dlfferenL based on Lhe
W aLlenL preparaLlon surgery and flow ls same reglsLraLlon
vlslon recordlng prellmlnary examlnaLlon LesLlng of Lenslon
and Lear ducL funcLlon refracLlon LesL and flnal examlnaLlon
W ervlces dlffer
Ma|n nosp|ta| 8s 300 8s 1000 8s 1300 8s 2300
W ,odern mporLed equlpmenL Lo provlde besL posslble eye
care A8 and class rooms
W Laff unlform Creen
nosp|ta| almosL all are Lype
W ,ore confuslon older paLlenLs spread Lhemselves ouL on Lhe
floor and agalnsL Lhe walls
W 8lg rooms wlLh bamboo/colr maL and small plllow each
accommodaLlng 2030 paLlenLs for recoverlng
W Laff unlform 8lue
ole of Aiavinu's clinic anu
suppoit staff
W erve socleLy ln an aLLempL Lo clear Lhe backlog of 20 mllllon
bllnd eyes ln ndla
W 1o provlde quallLy eye care
and Gnat|on kach|ng Cut
W Aravlnd lnlLlaLed lLs communlLy ouLreach programmes ln
response Lo
W roblems of lnaccesslblllLy
W xLreme poverLy and
W under uLlllsaLlon of eye care lnfrasLrucLure
1hrough Lhls programme Aravlnd soughL Lo make eye care
servlces more accesslble by Lhe communlLy
W 1ralned rofesslonal CuallLy Laff
W mprovemenL ln Lhe faclllLles of lree hosplLal
W kduc|ng pof|tab|||ty p pat|nt 1he pald paLlenLs are
growlng aL a slower raLe Lhan Lhe free paLlenLs whlch means
LhaL Lhe average cosL per paLlenL ls lncreaslng
CrowLh raLe ln creenlng vlslLs
aylng 2016
lree and camp 3892
W n|gh gowth of f pat|nts 1he number of paLlenLs
selecLed for surgery afLer screenlng ls low and Lhe avg raLe of
free paLlenLs ls hlgher Lhan Lhe pald paLlenLs
apac|ty and Ut|||zat|on pob| 1he uLlllzaLlon raLe of Lhe
1lrunelvell" and aL Lhe 1henl" unlLs ls low causlng hlgher overhead
per paLlenL
W rganlzaLlon ls famlly run 1hls meanL LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon
could noL grow rapldly slnce lL was always consLralned for
good managers
W Aravlnd ye also had lower salarles as compared Lo Lhe oLher
prlvaLe hosplLals whlle lL had longer and more sLrenuous
worklng hours compared Lo Lhe resL 1hls ls a concern slnce
Lhey may noL be able Lo reLaln Lhe besL LalenL wlLh Lhem 1hls
also puL a consLralnL on Lhelr medlcal sLaff whlch Lhey may noL
be able Lo grow aL a rapld pace for Lhe wanL of moLlvaLed and
W calablllLy Lhe camp could noL be conducLed aL a locaLlon
whlch was very far from Lhe hosplLals LhaL Lhey had ln 4 clLles
of 1amll nadu

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