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SLraLeglc 8rand ManagemenL

JaL ls 88Anu?
Accordlng Lo Amerlcan MarkeLlng AssoclaLlon
o btooJ ls o oome tetm slqo symbol ot Jeslqo ot o
comblootloo of tbem loteoJeJ
to lJeotlfy tbe qooJs ooJ setvlces of ooe sellet ot qtoop of sellets
ooJ to Jlffeteotlote tbem ftom tbose of competltlots
Concept of 8rand
W a brand ls an ldenLlLy wlc glves a producL lLs own lndlvlduallLy
W elps consumers Lo ldenLlfy a parLlcular producL 1ey can flnd ouL waL
Ley wanL
W lL ls a dlsLlncLlon 1ere are varlous producLs avallable Lo consumers ln Le
W Pelps a parLlcular producL Lo sLand excluslvely among rlval producLs
W 8asls of goodwlll and repuLaLlon for producers
W 8rand can be name Lrademark logo or oLer symbol
W 8rand name can be seen buL noL pronounced
W 8rand name can be pronounced uLLer able
W 8rand also says someLlng abouL producers value
W 8rand LranslaLes funcLlonal emoLlonal beneflLs
W 8rand brlngs Lo mlnd cerLaln aLLrlbuLes
W 8rand ls a seller's promlse Lo dellver a speclflc seL of feaLures beneflLs and
servlce conslsLenLly Lo Le buyers
;uallLles of a good brand name
lL sould be easy Lo pronounce recognlze and remember
lL sould suggesL someLlng abouL Le producL's beneflLs
lL sould be decenL and sould noL carry poor meanlngs
lL sould be reglsLrable
lL sould be dlsLlncLlve
lL sould be sulLable also for oLer lLems LaL may be added Lo
Le producL llne ln fuLure
ulfference beLween roducL 8rand
Accordlng Lo lllp koLler
roducL ls anyLlng LaL can be offered Lo a markeL for aLLenLlon
acqulslLlon use or consumpLlon LaL mlgL saLlsfy a need or
8rand ls a producL buL one LaL adds oLer dlmenslons LaL
dlfferenLlaLes lL ln some way from oLer producL deslgned Lo
saLlsfy Le need
JaL ls 8randlng?
@be meoos by wblcb oomes loqos symbols ttoJemotks ot
ptoJoct Jeslqo eoJow qooJs ot setvlces wltb o tecoqolzoble
pteseoce ooJ o set of ossocloteJ voloes ot expectotloos oo
tbe pott of tbe coosomet
lL also means ldenLlfylng your unlque value proposlLlon flrsL and
repeaLlng lL amongsL all communlcaLlon you ave boL
lnLernally so LaL lL ls engraved ln Le mlnds of all
employees as well as exLernally so LaL lL ls made aware Lo
Le publlc
lmporLance of 8randlng
a lor Consumers 8uyers
a ulsLlncLlon 8ecognlLlon 8rand elps consumers Lo dlsLlnguls varlous lLems and
recognlze Le parLlcular lLem Ley need
b AsslgnmenL of responslblllLy Lo producL maker 8rands ldenLlfy Le source or maker of
producL and allow consumers Lo asslgn responslblllLy Lo a parLlcular manufacLurer or
c roper Colce 8randlng elps consumers Lo make a proper colce among alLernaLlves
d SLandard ;uallLy 8randlng ensures sLandard quallLy Lo consumers roducers Lake keen
lnLeresL and paln Lo malnLaln sLandard quallLy
e SLaLus value Some brands ave sLaLus value
f 8egularlLy 8randed lLems are regularly avallable ln Le markeL roducers Lake paln Lo
malnLaln regular supplles
g Searc cosL ls reduced
lmporLance of 8randlng
b lor llrms/ManufacLurers/MarkeLers
a Legal roLecLlon 8rand offers Le flrm Le legal proLecLlon rlgLs glvlng legal LlLle Lo
Le brand owner
b lnLellecLual roperLy 8lgLs 8rand glves lnLellecLual rlgLs ( Lrade mark paLenL)
c ;uallLy 8rand assures level of quallLy so LaL saLlsfled buyers can easlly coose Le
producL agaln
d 8rand loyalLy As buyer become famlllar wlL a producL and reallze lLs naLure and
caracLerlsLlcs Lo Lelr saLlsfacLlon Ley become loyal Lo lLs brand
e 8asls of promoLlon lL ls noL posslble Lo promoLe a producL wlLouL a brand name
varlous velcle of promoLlon can be used only ln brand
f new producL developmenL A producer of popular brand can add new lLems Lo Le same
g roflL earnlng 8rand elps producers and markeLers Lo make proflL as brand becomes
lncreaslngly popular proflL mounLs rapldly
Pow brands can reduce rlsk?
1ypes of rlsk
a luncLlonal 8lsk lf Le producL doesn'L perform upLo expecLaLlon
b yslcal 8lsk lf producL posses a LreaL Lo Le pyslcal well belng or ealL of
c llnanclal 8lsk lf Le producL ls noL worL Le prlce pald
d Soclal 8lsk lf Le producL resulLs embarrassmenL from oLers
e sycologlcal rlsk lf producL affecLs Le menLal well belng of Le users
f 1lme 8lsk 1e fallure of Le producL resulL ln an opporLunlLy cosL of flndlng
anoLer saLlsfacLory producL
emedy to overcome above ment|oned r|sk
1o buy we|| known product
Callenges CpporLunlLles ln 8randlng
Savvy Customers ( know|edgeab|e Customers)
Consumers and buslness ave become more experlenced wlL
markeLlng and more knowledgeable abouL ow lL works JaL
consumers wanL from producL or servlces and brand as canged
Jell developed medla markeL as resulLed ln lncreased aLLenLlon pald
Lo Le markeLlng acLlon and moLlvaLlons of companles
2 More Comp|ex brand fam|||es and portfo||os
uevelopmenL of new brands and producLs ln parL spurred by Le
rlse ln llne and brand exLenslon as a resulL brand name may be now
ldenLlfled wlL number of dlfferenL producLs of varylng degrees of
Increased Compet|t|on
W MaLurlng markeLs
W More soplsLlcaLed and lncreaslng compeLlLlon
W ulfflculLy ln dlfferenLlaLlng
W uecreaslng brand loyalLy ln many caLegorles
lncreaslng Lrade power
Iragment|ng med|a coverage
lragmenLaLlon of LradlLlonal adverLlslng medla and emergence of lnLeracLlve and non
LradlLlonal medla promoLlon and oLer communlcaLlon alLernaLlves
MarkeLers ave become dlsencanLed wlL LradlLlonal adverLlslng medla especlally
wlL neLwork Lelevlslon( CosL commerclal breaks ave become more cluLLered
growL ln lndlvldual lndependenL sLaLlons and cannels remoLe conLrol)
Lrod|ng trad|t|ona| med|a effect|veness
MarkeLers are spendlng more on non LradlLlonal forms of communlcaLlon and new
and emerglng forms of communlcaLlon
lnLeracLlve elecLronlc medla sporLs evenL sponsorslp lnsLore acLlvlLy blllboards
velcles brandlng producL placemenL ln movles
6 Lmerg|ng new commun|cat|on opt|ons
7 Increas|ng promot|ona| expend|tures
Increas|ng cost of product |ntroduct|on and support
CosL of lnLroduclng a new producL or supporLlng an exlsLlng producL as lncreased
rapldly maklng lL dlfflculL Lo maLc Le lnvesLmenL and level of supporL LaL brands
were able Lo recelve ln pasL
9 Short term performance or|entat|on
MarkeLers flnd Lemselves responslble for meeLlng amblLlous sorLLerm proflL
LargeLs because of flnanclal markeL pressure
Decreas|ng advert|s|ng expend|tures
MarkeLers may make declslon wlL sorL Lerm beneflLs buL long Lerm cosL cuL for
example cuLLlng adverLlslng expenses
Increas|ng Iob turnover
1ypes of 8rand
loJlvlJool 8tooJ
exc/usive ond seporote brond for eoch product
o/so known os exc/usive brond
qives seporote identity to eoch product
promotiono//y expensive becouse eoch brond requires seporote promotion
lomlly 8tooJ
sinq/e brond nome qiven to o number of products in o coteqory
promotiono//y /ess expensive sinq/e promotiono/ exercise con cover o// items in the
product /ine
eosy to introduce new bronds
moy sometimes prove hotordous becouse disreputotion of porticu/or items in the
product /ine under the brond jeopordites the reputotion of o// other items
1ypes of 8rand
umbtello 8tooJ
t is on o// inc/usive brondNot on/y covers vorious items in product /ine but o/so other
items beyond the product /ine
Promtiono//y /ess expensive 5inq/e promotion con cover o// the items
loi/ure of product moy odverse/y offect other products oswe//
combloeJ 8tooJ
t represents the combinotion of umbre//o brond ond individuo/ brond
Most/y odopted by reputed componies
1ypes of 8rand
noose 8tooJ
t is o brond nome qiven by o business house
uistributors /orqe business houses buy products from monufocturers ond
ottoch their own brond nomes
4/so known os distributors brond midd/emons brond or privote brond
Monufocturers simp/y produce qoods occordinq to specificotions provided by
who/eso/ers ond distributors
5ome producers moy not hove the reputotion required to promote ond
popu/orise their products they moy not hove finoncio/ resources to undertoke
odvertisement ond promotion
keo/ monufocturers hove to remoin in the shode behind the screen 1hey con
not come to /iqht ond eorn reputotion
1ypes of 8rand
competltloo 8tooJ
f o product hos simi/or or identico/ quo/ity ond feotures ond hos the some
price os compored to the other products it is known os competition brond
llqbtet 8tooJ
1here moy be products with estob/ished morket 4 compony moy hove to
introduce o simi/or product 8ut it is not possib/e to compete 1herefore o /ow
cost item of simi/or noture is produced ond bronded ond offered for so/e ot
/ower price
8rand lerarcy
A brand lerarcy ls a means of summarlzlng Le brandlng sLraLegy by dlsplaylng
Le number and common dlsLlncLlve brand elemenLs across Le flrms producL
8rand lerarcy Lells us ow consumers vlews Le brands relaLlonslp ln Lerms of
caln of command wlc brand sLands above and wlc brand below our brand
wlc brand consumer conslder mosL lmporLanL wen maklng a purcase
8rand lerarcy ls useful means of graplcally porLraylng a flrm's brandlng sLraLegy
lLs based on reallzaLlon LaL producL can be branded ln dlfferenL ways dependlng
on ow many new and exlsLlng brand elemenLs are used and are comblned
Corporate 8rands
CorporaLe umbrella are masLer brands LaL drlves consumers purcase declslon An example
could be lllps wlc drlves all corporaLlons consumers elecLronlc sub brands
SomeLlmes a CorporaLe brand wlll be carrled by pyslcal brand personallLy suc as Marlboro
Man enanclng Le accesslblllLy of Le brand and faclllLaLlng Le expresslon of brand values
1ls sLrucLure normally provldes overall supporL for producL or servlce deslgned Lo garner
LrusL Lo Le consumer
Company or corporaLe brand ls always presenL on Le producL or package
Iam||y 8rand
lamlly brand ls deflned as a brand LaL ls used ln more Lan one producL buL noL necessarlly
Le name of Le company or corporaLlon lLself
lf a corporaLe brand ls applled Lo range of producL Len lL funcLlons as famlly brand Loo
Ind|v|dua| 8rand
A brand LaL as been resLrlcLed Lo essenLlally one producL caLegory alLoug lL may be used
for several dlfferenL producL Lypes wlLln Le caLegory
Lac 8rand as a domlnanL poslLlon ln lLs respecLlve producL caLegory
Mod|f|er ls a means Lo deslgnaLe a speclflc lLem or model Lype or parLlcular verslon or
conflguraLlon of Le producL
SLraLeglc 8rand ManagemenL rocess
8rand managemenL ls consclously provldlng a producL wlL an ldenLlLy LaL ls
undersLood on all levels 1ls means boL lnLernally and exLernally and lncludes
cusLomers employees suppllers and vendors
lL lnvolves Le deslgn and lmplemenLaLlon of markeLlng programs and acLlvlLles Lo
bulld measure and manage brand equlLy
lour SLeps ln SLraLeglc 8rand ManagemenL rocess
1 ldenLlfylng and esLabllslng brand poslLlonlng values
2 lannlng lmplemenLlng brand markeLlng programs
3 Measurlng and lnLerpreLlng brand performance
4 Crowlng susLalnlng brand equlLy
Ident|fy|ng and estab||sh|ng brand pos|t|on|ng va|ues
W As Lo waL Le brand ls Lo represenL ow lL sould be poslLloned
W AcL of deslgnlng Le company's offer and lmage so LaL lL occuples a
dlsLlncL and valued place ln Le LargeL cusLomer's mlnd
W rlmary goal ls Lo be on 1CM
W lLs producLs ldenLlLy lLs dlfferenLlaLlng feaLures and lLs nlce lL ls Le
JaL l am abouL Le producL
W Convlnclng consumer of Le advanLage of brand vlsvls compeLlLlon
2 |ann|ng |mp|ement|ng brand market|ng programs
W knowledge bulldlng process depends on Lree facLors
W Choos|ng brand e|ements
8rand LlemenL ls vlsual or verbal lnformaLlon LaL serves Lo ldenLlfy or dlfferenLlaLe a
8rand names Logos Symbols CaracLers ackaglng Slogans
Lnance brand awareness
1o esLablls sLrong favorable and unlque brand assoclaLlons
W Integrat|on of market|ng act|v|t|es
8lgL colce of brand elemenLs can make some conLrlbuLlon ln bulldlng brand
rlmary lnpuL depends upon markeLlng acLlvlLles relaLed Lo Le brand
roducL rlce Cannel new concepL ln markeLlng programs
W Inf|uenc|ng Secondary Assoc|at|ons
W 1lrd way Lo bulld brand equlLy ls Lroug secondary assoclaLlons
W 8rand assoclaLlon may be creaLed by llnklng brand Lo some secondary assoclaLlon
W Secondary assoclaLlon could be facLors suc as company ( MnCs) reglon ( ScoLland for
scoLc) Cannel of dlsLrlbuLlon Lroug lngredlenL or co brandlng endorsemenL
sponsorslp Llrd parLy sources suc as revlews press eLc
Measur|ng and |nterpret|ng brand performance
W 1o undersLand Le effecLs of brand markeLlng programs
W Means Lo Lrace Le value creaLlon process for brands Lo beLLer undersLand
Le flnanclal lmpacL of brand markeLlng expendlLure lnvesLmenLs
W 1ypes
8rand AudlL
8rand value Caln MarkeLlng 8esearc LfforLs
8rand LqulLy ManagemenL SysLem
4 Crowlng susLalnlng brand equlLy
W Ma|nta|n|ng and expand|ng the brand equ|ty |s cha||eng|ng
W Managlng brand equlLy lnvolves managlng brands wlLln Le conLexL of oLer
brands as well as managlng brands over mulLlple caLegorles over Llme and across
mulLlple markeL segmenLs
W Def|n|ng the brand|ng strategy
W 1o provlde Le general guldellnes as Lo wlc brand elemenL a from cooses Lo
W 1wo ma|n too|s are
8rand roduct matr|x Craplcal represenLaLlon of all brands and
producLs sold by Le flrm
8rand h|erarchy lL reveals expllclL orderlng of brands by dlsplaylng Le
number and naLure of common and dlsLlncLlve brand componenLs across
Le flrm's producL
W Managlng 8rand LqulLy over Llme
LffecLlve brand managemenL requlres Laklng long Lerm vlew of
markeLlng declslons
Long Lerm perspecLlve of brand managemenL recognlzes LaL any
canges ln Le supporLlng markeLlng program for a brand by canglng
consumer knowledge affecL Le success of fuLure markeLlng
lL's a proacLlve sLraLegy
W Managlng 8rand LqulLy over Ceograplcal 8oundarles CulLures MarkeL
8ecognlzlng and accounLlng for dlfferenL Lypes of consumers ln
developlng brandlng and markeLlng programs
Ceograplcal boundarles culLure markeL segmenL

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