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Diseases of the Reproductive System

Reproductive system diseases are a generic term that refers to all the diseases that affect the organs of reproductive system in human beings. This includes all the inherited or acquired diseases, abnormal functioning of the glands related to secretion of sex hormones, infections and other diseases erupting from unknown causes. Reproductive system diseases need immediate attention.

Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer develops if the cells of the cervix (the neck of the womb) become abnormal and grow out of control. Infection with some types of human papilloma virus (HPV) is the greatest risk factor for cervical cancer followed by smoking. Other risk factors include human immunodeficiency virus. Not all of the causes of cervical cancer are known, however, and several other contributing factors have been implicated.

Your treatment will depend on the stage of your cervical cancer and your general health. You may have a combination of treatments. Your surgeon or oncologist will advise you which treatment is best for you. Surgery If you have very early stage cervical cancer, a cone biopsy may be all you need. Radiotherapy is a treatment to destroy cancer cells with radiation. Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is a treatment to destroy cancer cells with medicines.

Close up of cervix showing development of abnormal cells into cervical cancer


Cervical Erosion
Cervical erosion is the condition in which ulcers are formed in the cervix region. It is characterized by bright red, pink spots around the cervical opening. During the onset of the disease, patches of mucous are shed by the body.

Cervical erosion is treated in various ways depending on the cause. If an infection is present, antibiotics are necessary. When cervical erosion is caused by trauma to the cervix, either by injury or a chemical such as vaginal douches, avoiding the cause and time to heal are the only treatments. Sometimes cervical cauterization is used to treat cervical erosion. Your health care provider may also prescribe vaginal estrogen cream to help thicken the outer surface of the cervix.

It is basically an inflammation of uterine cervix. Many mucous glands are present in this region which constantly keep the vagina well lubricated. However, this creates a conducive environment for the growth of bacteria and other microbes. Thus, vaginal infections can be transmitted to the uterine cervix, leading to cervicitis.

If the diagnosis is chlamydial cervicitis, doctor will probably prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic. If you have prolonged or repeated bouts of cervicitis, doctor may recommend a procedure designed to destroy the abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix.
cautery (also known as heat cautery) cryosurgery (also known as freezing, or cold cautery) laser treatment.

breast pain, also known as mastalgia or fibrocystic breast disease often find they have symptoms of swelling, breast pain, tenderness and lumps that increase in their breasts immediately prior and during their menses

Current treatments for mastalgia include one FDA approved prescription medication for mastalgia which typically causes unwanted side effects like facial hair growth, weight gain and acne; dietary changes and vitamin supplements; and purchasing a properly fitting brassiere.

Ovarian Cysts
any collection of fluid, surrounded by a very thin wall, within an ovary. any ovarian follicle that is larger than about two centimeters .
can be as small as a pea, or larger than an orange. are functional in nature and harmless (benign) cause problems, such as bleeding and pain

About 95% of ovarian cysts are benign, meaning they are not cancerous. Treatment for cysts depends on the size of the cyst and symptoms. Surgery may be required to remove cysts larger than 5 centimeters in diameter.

Prostate Cancer
form of cancer that develops in the prostate. Most prostate cancers are slow growing; however, there are cases of aggressive prostate cancers. The cancer cells may metastasize (spread) from the prostate to other parts of the body, particularly the bones and lymph nodes. may cause pain, difficulty in urinating, problems during sexual intercourse, or erectile dysfunction. Other symptoms can potentially develop during later stages of the disease.

most often involves surgery (either of the primary tumor or removal of the testes to help treat advanced disease), hormonal therapy, and/or radiation therapy. chemotherapy may also be used if the cancer has spread and is resistant to other types of treatment. The type of treatment depends on the location and size of the tumor, the stage of the cancer, your age and general health, and other factors.

refers to painful erection. Normally, when the penis gets erect, the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum become engorged with blood so as to render the hardness to the penis. the enlarged parts become tender and painful, leading to constant pain during erection. Although, the person may experience pleasurable sensation for some time, the pain quickly takes over again.

is due to abnormal enlargement of breasts in men. is mainly attributed to hormonal imbalance. Once, the male hormone androgen takes over after puberty, the development of breasts stops. Usually, afflicts only one breast.

sometimes doesnt need to be treated. It is normally benign. This can be avoided by not taking recreational drugs or medications that cause hormonal imbalance. Though testing isnt necessary , it is usually done to rule out certain diseases. But aside from the physical insecurity, this also creates psychological and social problems to the sufferer. Plastic surgery can treat the physical dilemma of the person after 1-2 hours of surgery but the psychological aspect of it would take years to mend.

a fluid filled sac partially surrounding the testis. Manifests itself as a swelling on the side of the scrotum. May cause discomfort. Can be surgically corrected. And, who would most likely be doing the surgery? A urologist!

Urinary Incontinence
(UI) is any involuntary leakage of urine. is classified as the involuntary loss of urine.

The primary causes of urinary incontinence are:

Bladder related: caused by the bladder's failure to store, failure to empty, or both; reduced capacity, involuntary contractions, poor bladder compliance. Sphincter related: poor positioning of the bladder neck in women, uncoordinated bladder sphincter action, sphincter damage or weakness, outlet obstruction.

will depend on the type of incontinence you have & the severity of your symptoms. If it is caused by an underlying condition, such as an enlarged prostate gland in men, you will receive treatment for this first. Conservative treatments, which do not involve medication or surgery, are tried first. These include:
lifestyle changes pelvic floor muscle training bladder training

After this, medication or surgery may be considered.

What is a Sexually Transmitted Disease?

A sexually transmitted disease (STD) is a type of disease that affects the reproductive system. STDs are spread by bodily fluids such as blood, cervical mucus, sperm and saliva.

is a disease that infects the genital track such as the vagina and urethra. The first signs of this disease are subtle, such as cramps and a slight discharge, which is why most people who have Chlamydia are not aware that they have it. Symptoms of this reproductive disease will increase and, within three weeks, may become more noticeable. The most common symptoms are painful urination, constant discharge, abdominal pain and painful intercourse.

Cycle of Chlamydia

is a type of reproductive disease that also affects the genital track. Once a person is exposed to the disease, symptoms typically occur within 10 days. However, it is common for a person to not show any signs of the disease until months after exposure. The most common signs and symptoms are a thick discharge that is either cloudy or bloody, painful urination, the urge to urinate often and pain during intercourse.

Oral Gonorrhea

Genital Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus and develops on the genitals of males and females. is very contagious and can easily spread to others even without an active outbreak.

Herpes can also be seen in mouth or other parts of the body, not only in the genital parts.

Oral Herpes

The first sign of this disease is pain or tingling in the genital area. Several days later, small red bumps will appear. Usually, bumps turn into open sores, especially if the person infected with genital herpes has been itching the area. The bumps will eventually ooze and then form a scab. Once an outbreak occurs, the time from the initial bumps to the scabbing is usually several weeks. During this period, the person may experience flu-like symptoms such as headaches, fever and fatigue. He may also experience painful urination.

Presented by: GROUP 8

Ereo, Nicole Pauline


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