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Southside Chicago
Ghetto of Chicago,where most blacks lived Overpriced, overcrowded, and poorly-

maintained apartments and homes Crime rates were high and public services were limited hopes of leaving to better suburban neighborhoods

How does the description of the Youngers apartment contribute to the mood of the play?

The 1950s
the status of race issues a sort of turning point in America the beginning of the Civil Rights

Movement the South was segregated by racist Jim Crow laws many African Americans faced unofficial racial barriers in the North


What are the dreams of the main characters- Mama, Ruth,Beneatha and Walter?

Mama (Lena Younger)
sensitive mother and the head of the Younger household stands up for her beliefs and provides perspective from an

older generation believes in striving to succeed while maintaining her moral boundaries rejects Beneathas progressive and seemingly un-Christian sentiments about God Money is only a means to an end for Mama dreams are more important to her than material wealth her dream is to own a house with a garden and yard in which Travis can play

Walter Lee Younger ("Brother")

only son, Ruths defiant husband, Traviss caring

father, and Beneathas belligerent brother serves as both protagonist and antagonist of the play Most of his actions and mistakes hurt the family Works as a chauffeur for wealthy white people Seems to care only for money and wants the insurance money to start a liquor store with Bobo and Willy Harris He matures at the conclusion of the play, as he tells Lindner that his family cannot be bought.

Beneatha Younger
an attractive college student who provides a young,

independent, feminist perspective her desire to become a doctor demonstrates her great ambition searches for her identity dates two very different men: Joseph Asagai and George Murchison Happy with Asagai and depressed with Murchison identifies much more with Asagais interest in rediscovering his African roots than with Georges interest in assimilating into white culture

Beneatha Younger
presents herself as a modern, black woman

with new freedoms and rights and plans to find her roots both in America and in Africa Beneatha is opinionated, especially in her dealings with her brother, Walter Lee; she clearly lives up to her name, an obvious pun, for, especially at the beginning of the play, everything and everyone seem to be "beneath her."

Ruth Younger
Walters wife, a deeply emotional and

old-fashioned woman is pregnant but wants to have an abortion the family member most excited to move into a new home because she wants her son Travis to have a better life.

Travis Younger
Ruth and Walters only child and sleeps on

the couch in the living room In spite of his manipulative nature, however, Travis is a likeable child seems sheltered and overprotected by the numerous adults in the household Travis shows remarkable maturity by requesting permission to make some money by "bagging groceries" at the local supermarket

Joseph Asagai
An African student, charming, mannerly,

personable, and quite intelligent; in spite of the cultural differences between him and the Younger family idealistic about the future of his country and has even expressed his willingness to sacrifice his own life for the independence of his country. his basic beliefs are grounded in his own African culture

Joseph Asagai
hopes to return to Nigeria to help bring about

positive change and modern advancements stands in obvious contrast to Beneathas other suitor, George Murchison, who is an arrogant African-American who has succeeded in life by assimilating to the white world.

George Murchison
the educated and wealthy George Murchison

represents the black person whose own selfhatred manifests itself as contempt for other blacks The Youngers approve of George, but Beneatha dislikes his willingness to submit to white culture and forget his African heritage challenges the thoughts and feelings of other black people through his arrogance and flair for intellectual competition

Mr. Karl Lindner

The only white character in the play arrives at the Youngers apartment from

the Clybourne Park Improvement Association and attemps to appear accepting, while secretly wanting The Black family out of his community offers the Younger family money in exchange for their absence from his neighborhood.

One of Walters partners in the liquor store

plan appears to be as mentally slow as his name indicates informs Walter Lee that Willy Harris has disappeared with Walters money.

Willy Harris
A friend of Walter and coordinator of the

liquor store plan never appears onstage, which helps keep the focus of the story on the dynamics of the Younger family.

Mrs. Johnson
The Youngers neighbor. Mrs. Johnson

takes advantage of the Youngers hospitality and warns them about moving into a predominately white neighborhood

Man vs. Man

- Mamas ideas conflict with three other characters.. 1. Walter: His dreams of owning a licquor store conflict religiously with Mama's value system Mama's desires for the family contrast with Walter's Mama wants to use the insurance money to buy a house, a symbol of stability Walter would rather spend the money on a high risk investment. Mama represents the wiser generation.

2. Beneatha - Mama is angered and confused by
Beneatha's views on religion. 3. Ruth - Mama is unable to accept the fact that Ruth might find it necessary to have an abortion. 4. George Vs. Asagai - George illustrates the blandness and shallowness of a life rooted in the quest for wealth and status / - Asagai is an idealist. He is intelligent, perceptive, and dedicated to helping his country in its quest for liberation

Individual Dreams Vs. Family

Responsibilities -Walter's desire to own a liquor store - Beneatha's dream to be a doctor

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