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Ms Li

10 June, 2012
Learning Objectives Recall and identify forces in everyday situations Know that many forces act on an object Homework What are Newtons 3 laws of motion linked to forces

Starter What is a force? Write down as many examples of forces you know

STARTER Describe each of the forces you have identified.

________ pulls things downwards

________ acts against anything moving through air

_____ acts against anything moving ______ keeps things afloat Words upthrust, air resistance (drag), friction, weight

tttttttttttWhaThrutt is an object forward. The force that pushes thrust?

The force that pushes an object upwards in a liquid or a gas, also called buoyancy. Whuat is uptuuuuuuuhrust?





Label the forces acting on the ferry as it sails to France.

upthrust or buoyancy

air resistance




A force experienced by a magnetic material when placed in a magnetic field.

The region around a magnet where it has a magnetic effect is called its magnetic field.

iron filings locate the magnetic field and show the direction of the forces in this region.

Divide the forces into groups according to what the forces have in common.
Contact Forces Friction Air/water resistance (drag) Thrust/driving force Non-contact Forces gravity electrostatic magnetic


(1) Which force on an airplane is always directed toward the center of the earth? (2) Which force on an airplane can also be called a resistance force? (3) Which force is responsible for moving the airplane forward? (4) Which force do the wings of the airplane generate?

Using a Forcemeter
Use the forcemeter to weigh different objects What do you notice Fill in the table on your sheet

Wooden block
Push the wooden block across the sand paper What do you feel?

Push the wooden block up the ramp Is it easier or harder than before?
Fill in the table on your sheet

Pull the magnets apart Describe what is happening

Fill in the table on your sheet

Knot on string
Tie a know, what force are you using? Untie the knot, what force are you using? If you had a plastic string, and made a knot, would it be easier? Or harder? Why? Fill in the table on your sheet

Look at this picture What is the force Fill in the table on your sheet

Piece of paper, how long does it take to fall? Crumpled piece of paper, how long does it take to fall? Fill in the table on your sheet

Drop the ball to the floor What is happening Fill in the table on your sheet

Newton scales
Stand on the scales What do you notice? Fill in the table on your sheet

Look at this picture What is the force Fill in the table on your sheet

Look at this picture What is the force Fill in the table on your sheet

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