Language Arts & Discipline Audiobooks

Whether it’s Writing for Beginners or I Give You My Body: How I Write Sex Scenes, Everand’s language arts and discipline audiobooks teach us about the intricacies and arts of language, writing, persuasion, and speech. Pop in your earbuds and listen in on a range of intimate master class-style lessons for perfecting your use of language.

Whether it’s Writing for Beginners or I Give You My Body: How I Write Sex Scenes, Everand’s language arts and discipline audiobooks teach us about the intricacies and arts of language, writing, persuasion, and speech. Pop in your earbuds and listen in on a range of intimate master class-style lessons for perfecting your use of language.


We're shining a light on the hottest new releases and binge-worthy audiobooks you don't want to miss.
Refuse to Be Done: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts
Refuse to Be Done: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts
Refuse to Be Done: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts
Refuse to Be Done: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts

Refuse to Be Done: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts

byMatt Bell

They say writing is rewriting. So why does the second part get such short shrift? Refuse to Be Done will guide you through every step of the novel writing process, from getting started on those first pages to the last tips for making your final draft even tighter and stronger. From lauded writer and teacher Matt Bell, Refuse to Be Done is encouraging and intensely practical, focusing always on specific rewriting tasks, techniques, and activities for every stage of the process. You won't find bromides here about the "the writing Muse." Instead, Bell breaks down the writing process in three sections. In the first, Bell shares a bounty of tactics, all meant to push you through the initial conception and get words on the page. The second focuses on reworking the narrative through outlining, modeling, and rewriting. The third and final section offers a layered approach to polishing through a checklist of operations, breaking the daunting project of final revisions into many small, achievable tasks. Whether you are a first time novelist or a veteran writer, you will find an abundance of strategies here to help motivate you and shake up your revision process, allowing you to approach your work, day after day and month after month, with fresh eyes and sharp new tools.

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About Language Arts & Discipline

Everand's audiobooks on language arts and discipline teach us all about the strange and fascinating subtleties and arts of crafting language, whether it’s in our writing, our ability to persuade, and our spoken stories. Dive into a variety of master class-style award-winning audiobooks that reveal magical secrets and tips on how we can communicate with the world in ways, whether it’s through our writing, speaking, art, and stories. Alliteration, context, dialogue, figures of speech, idioms, and irony. Those are just a few of the tools of the trade when it comes to telling engaging and convincing stories. You may already be familiar with those terms, but many language arts audiobooks like Sin and Syntax by Constance Hale dig much deeper into all the nuances and help you clarify and energize your writing. These are the kinds of audiobooks that hold the keys to crafting truly unforgettable writing. Bestsellers in the language arts and discipline audiobook genre are written by a range of brilliant writers that unleash their secrets to their trade. Check out award-winning bestsellers like Milan Kundera’s The Art of the Novel, Leonard Shlain’s The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image, and Bill Bryson’s The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way.

Everand's audiobooks on language arts and discipline teach us all about the strange and fascinating subtleties and arts of crafting language, whether it’s in our writing, our ability to persuade, and our spoken stories. Dive into a variety of master class-style award-winning audiobooks that reveal magical secrets and tips on how we can communicate with the world in ways, whether it’s through our writing, speaking, art, and stories. Alliteration, context, dialogue, figures of speech, idioms, and irony. Those are just a few of the tools of the trade when it comes to telling engaging and convincing stories. You may already be familiar with those terms, but many language arts audiobooks like Sin and Syntax by Constance Hale dig much deeper into all the nuances and help you clarify and energize your writing. These are the kinds of audiobooks that hold the keys to crafting truly unforgettable writing. Bestsellers in the language arts and discipline audiobook genre are written by a range of brilliant writers that unleash their secrets to their trade. Check out award-winning bestsellers like Milan Kundera’s The Art of the Novel, Leonard Shlain’s The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image, and Bill Bryson’s The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way.